Another good episode last night, with one misstep, IMO.
I'm not one to nitpick TV shows and movies. I realize that a certain amount of suspension of disbelief is needed. However, the fact that Brody was able to text and warn Abu Nazir from the Pentagon or the White House's Operation Room bugged me.
Without getting into specifics, I work for a government contractor. I'm 99.9% certain that operations room would have been in a SCIF area (Sensative Compartmented INformation Facility). A cell phone would not have been allowed in a SCIF, and an individual would have been searched or wanded before being allowed entry into the SCIF.
I dunno why that bugged me so much. It doesn't require any more suspension of disbelief than some journalist having access to the code to Estes' safe in his office in Langley,

, but it did.
On another note, does anybody else think the mole from last season was Agent Galvez? I can't remember if he showed up at the safehouse when the CIA had Brody's former prison guard, but he was the one that pulled Estes out of his meeting with Brody.