Super Freak
Does anyone know if the Ebay auctions in HK legit on the DX08?
Sorry to jump in but you read my mind. Ive been wanting to do it ever since I purchased it a several months back (first figure for me) But I always hesitated because I wanted to have him and batman together, so a float and a batwing proved to be a bit much for me, lol so unfortunately he has been on the back burnerBut I just scored a loose indiana figure and finished his dio along with Robo and Ahhnuld and I figured like most not to use the bottom section of the Detolf but as I felt bad for putting him away I remembered the other solo scene I wanted to do is the death scene so fits perfect on the bottom and was easy to make and I had the material so I said "YOLO". So far the easiest, cheapest to make, and to me draws me in all the time. Its missing a few loose rocks and gargoyle fragments and the tiles arent supposed to be perfect but just rushed thru it so when I have people come over for superbowl they see a complete detolf.
On a side note if anyone knows of any paint or dye that I can use for blood around the mouth without permanently staining please let me know.
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View attachment 162216
Does anyone know if the Ebay auctions in HK legit on the DX08?
Hey guys, FINALLY got the Joker to go along with my lonely DX09, I was wondering if there are anything I should be cautious of regarding this figure? His attire seems intimidating for me to pose.
Does this guy hold up or does he feel dated in person... I guess sculpt quality is what I'm questioning. I like the mime sculpt better but want the classic joker look
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Got him not too long ago and he's as good as I could hope for. A truly FANTASTIC figure.
Does this guy hold up or does he feel dated in person... I guess sculpt quality is what I'm questioning. I like the mime sculpt better but want the classic joker look
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