Hot Toys– Hot Angel x- MMS 74- SHE PREDATOR - MACHIKO full spec and pics

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Weren't you like... banned a while back?

as far as I am concerned I was only voicing my opinion on the figure, which is as OT as it gets.....and no I was never banned so you may wanna get your facts straight :maul

you are the one who attacked my opinion while I have not said anything to put you down, which is cool cos I don't play that game.:cool::D
as far as I am concerned I was only voicing my opinion on the figure, which is as OT as it gets.....and no I was never banned so you may wanna get your facts straight :maul

you are the one who attacked my opinion while I have not said anything to put you down, which is cool cos I don't play that game.:cool::D

I must have gotten you confused with someone else, so for that I apologize.

I still stand by everything else I said though.
Apology accepted...I guess we will just have to agree to disagree,

and when I called her a wannabe I did not mean it as a diss.
Does Machiko's bio connect to her canon? cos otherwise how would her laser sight work? just askin cos I have not seen it connected in any of Hot Toys' pics

I thought the hoses were for air on the predators, hence the hiss of gas when they are released? I never thought of them as a link for the cannons.

Beisdes man...predators can upgrade too! Cannon targetting sights are all Bluetooth enabled! :lol
I thought the hoses were for air on the predators, hence the hiss of gas when they are released? I never thought of them as a link for the cannons.

Beisdes man...predators can upgrade too! Cannon targetting sights are all Bluetooth enabled! :lol


You are right though, it would make sense that the gas that is released would be more like there own environment. Hell, LA was so bad P2 had a damn breathing mask.

But, I'm glad Machiko has no other hoses than what is on the armor... those things are a pain in the ass.
I don't even put my hoes on. just leave em in the box. :D
don't want to risk losing one of my hoes. :monkey1

hoses :confused:
is that what those fiddly little silver threads were in my wolf cleaner box ?
I chucked them in the bin along with his loose spare jaws and an extra hand that would'nt hold anything. :lol

(ps:I'm liking the look of machiko without the netting.)
hoses :confused:
is that what those fiddly little silver threads were in my wolf cleaner box ?
I chucked them in the bin along with his loose spare jaws and an extra hand that would'nt hold anything. :lol

(ps:I'm liking the look of machiko without the netting.)

hoses :confused:
is that what those fiddly little silver threads were in my wolf cleaner box ?
I chucked them in the bin along with his loose spare jaws and an extra hand that would'nt hold anything. :lol

(ps:I'm liking the look of machiko without the netting.)
:horror:horror You threw away the spare mandibles????? :slap:monkey2
She's a wannabe stinky girl!

hoses :confused:
is that what those fiddly little silver threads were in my wolf cleaner box ?
I chucked them in the bin along with his loose spare jaws and an extra hand that would'nt hold anything. :lol

(ps:I'm liking the look of machiko without the netting.)

I woulda taken them...............:slap