Hot Toys – MMS126 - Predator 2: Guardian Predator(2010 Toy Fairs Exc) spec

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wow I uhhh, just refreshed till it popped up, click to add to cart, then an error window popped up that said... "unavailable" when I hit refresh wait list was there. ALRIGHT!
Would love one of these, but for the price and considering it's mainly just a re-hash... pass
that is weird? so we just keep refreshing till it pops up at 10am?

It kind of like when they put up pre-orders with the newsletter release. Just refresh until it shows. Like leads me to think this has a much, much larger ES then we thought.
Well that can't be right, I placed an order within the first minute and it says I'm on the waitlist, haha.
I was on the page as soon as it went up and it was straight to waitlist. That can't be. G'damn it!!!
Did anyone here get one or just waitlist? Cause I placed my order on 10:01 and went to waitlist. WTF?
I am on the waitlist and placed my order in the first minute. What's up with that?
i even waited a minute or two to place my waitlist because I thought it was an error and would go in stock and I didn't want to not be able to order if it did go in stock (exceeding the minimum order).

this is bullcrap.

Someone call.