I envision a suitcase which may open but that's about it.
it'd be great if HT could figure out how to make the suit unfold even if you couldn't put stark in it
I envision a suitcase which may open but that's about it.
I could swallow the increase if it bought me a flawless figure; but he's got some serious proportion issues and Hot Toys' track record with Robert Downey Jr headsculpts has been pretty mediocre.Yet don't have much choice. Prices will continue to increase as long as we continue purchasing at the elevated cost.
I could swallow the increase if it bought me a flawless figure; but he's got some serious proportion issues and Hot Toys' track record with Robert Downey Jr headsculpts has been pretty mediocre.
By the way, for people still wondering what the exclusive version's accessory is all about:
With rough texture arm pits! Bonus DX.
That was after the market pushed the price upwards for 2nd and 3rd wave shipments; it was $185 when first released, which is what I paid from Toysquare. And when I say released I mean I ordered after the figure was out in Hong Kong. There's no reason the Mark VI figure should cost more than the Mark III battle-damaged figure did. I mean c'mon, the T-1000 is a $155 figure and look at everything he comes with.
https://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r262/retskoow/album 2/T2_T1000_PR19.jpg
Wow...this is pricey. I'm going to Flex it. Although I just canceled Whiplash and forget about Widow. Only the Marks and if the Mark V is high then only Tony's marks.
Not getting multiples now, mike? I remembered you got like 3 mark IIIs, 3 mark IIs from the first I'm line right.
Was it Mike that said he cancelled Whiplash because of the exposed arm joins? I felt the same, I didn't even pre-order it. Fantastic sculpt nonetheless but Black Widow is very Barbie like. You bought a real doll!
Right. I don't want a multiple of WM since I'm not a fan of the Rhodey sculpt and with the Mark IV it'll depend on the Downey sculpt on whether or not I get an extra. I want an extra of this to display in the Battle Damaged mode as well but at $200+ that might not be feasable considering all the other stuff milling around.
No, the Whiplash joints never really bothered me. I canceled it now because of this cost. As for Widow I never really felt it was worth the cost.
Inflation? Are you kidding? Battle-Damaged Mark III just came out 5 months ago; inflation doesn't account for a 12% price hike in 5 months. At that rate we'd be paying $330 for Iron Man 3 figures in two years. Or to look at it another way, we would have only paid $90 for the original Mark III. And regarding parts, most of them are just duplicates of parts they had to cast anyhow, painted differently. He doesn't have $25 worth of extra parts over the Mark III Battle-Damaged, and the Mark IV certainly doesn't have $20 worth of extra parts over the original Mark III.The Iron Man figures have WAY more in the way of individually cast injection molded pieces. That gets real expensive real fast production wise. Plus who knows what the pricing differences are in licensing. I imagine older licenses regardless of popularity have to be cheaper than brand new stuff.
I don't know if anyone else has noticed but prices go up on everything. They differ of course in the amount they go up but at least around here when HT figures where coming out at $100-150 range movie ticket prices where $2-3 cheaper per ticket. It's called inflation. Inflation often out strips income increases at certain times in history. We're in a world-wide economic depression right now. Get used to it.