I do have the money, and I still chose Hot Toys over the maquettes. I'd rather choose my own poses.

I do have the money, and I still chose Hot Toys over the maquettes. I'd rather choose my own poses.
They use jungle backdrop same as Berserker Predator
So how is he going to stand without falling in that diorama? I dont see a stand?
They use jungle backdrop same as Berserker Predator
I get your point but what about the fitting problem that may arise? The mold not being perfectly aligned for example. The original Mark 3 and the Mark 3 BD already has this. I just like to have balance between the arms that's the reason I would prefer getting both the full non battle damaged arms.
Yeah, till you accidentally bump your shelf while cleaning and they all come tumbling down. In my opinion, these figures are too expensive to risk breaking due to a fall.These figs stand by themselves just fine if you pose them right. Don't need no freakin' stands.
I'm ____ about hiding joints and stands.
Hence, an etch tri-angle window to represent the RT to distribute the light more evenly (rather than a plain window) that reflect the light from the ArcReactorI really wonder how the lights from RT will looks like on the figure as it doesn't align with triangle window. All part of triangle window should lights up and not bottom part only. I hope HT will do something about this.