My waitlist for the excl. Mark IV has converted is now an actual TB order!!!:chew
Congrats Commtech looks like you're having a stellar day!

My waitlist for the excl. Mark IV has converted is now an actual TB order!!!:chew
That is the way the battle damaged arm comes. If you look at where it is packaged there is no way the arm would fit in the slot with that armor on it.
Hey Ron,
That's how mine came as well. I just used the missile forearms.
DOes anyone have a picture of this? I am kinda confused with all these small parts. Soory if I sound like a hassle.
Lift all the trays out of the package and check underneath the black stand.
There is an instruction booklet in English, Japanase, and Bocce.
The clear plastic "function stick" is also in the bag.
Good luck, Shellhead!
Just sell the regular for $250. That's what it's going for now anyway.
Took some pics tonight.