Hot Toys – MMS132 - Iron Man 2: Mark VI full spec and pics

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Third and final repaint, got a Mechanic head on him for now still I get hold of possibly the newly released Stark workshop head :)

View attachment 157846

Bit too weathered for my tastes but respect for customising an expensive figure.

One thing though...if the suit is made of a gold-titanium allow then it should be golden when the red is blasted away...

Bit too weathered for my tastes but respect for customising an expensive figure.

One thing though...if the suit is made of a gold-titanium allow then it should be golden when the red is blasted away...

I always maintained the same thing on here, but in the movies, the scuffs are all silver(And not the dark grey it would be if it were really titanium).
I have done some weathering tests on models over the years and painted scuffs in various metallic shades, and dark grey or gold scuffs just look wrong to the eye. Silver/Alu scuffs always look more correct. Even though most people watching will be geeky enough to recall that the suit is supposed to be like Midas but with a red paint job, silver scuffs always seem more real than gold ones.
Until reading those posts it never occurred to me what was bugging me in the Avengers movie about the excessive all over weathering, silver & not gold is SO obvious now it's been pointed out. lol :)
don't know why people are so obsessed in making these battle damaged versions, they look terrible and wayyyy over done.
might as well dip the figure in silver paint.
don't know why people are so obsessed in making these battle damaged versions, they look terrible and wayyyy over done.
might as well dip the figure in silver paint.

Some people just don't like shiney or new I guess..., I like my figures to look fresh, as in before seeing action but don't mind it when Hot Toys do the battle damage..., I wouldn't tamper with a figure myself.
don't know why people are so obsessed in making these battle damaged versions, they look terrible and wayyyy over done.
might as well dip the figure in silver paint.

I wouldn't call myself obsessed with it, just like to add a bit more realism and make my collection unique.
don't know why people are so obsessed in making these battle damaged versions, they look terrible and wayyyy over done.
might as well dip the figure in silver paint.

As someone who used to a lot of scale modelling, I love seeing well-done weathered finishes on figures. ThreeA used to be the undisputed masters of weathering for mass-produced figures, but as their production runs have gotten higher, they seem to be putting less and less care and attention into it.

That said, I do hate seeing bizarre amateur attempts at weathering like that guy who popped in the Hot Rod thread who blew his figure up with a firecracker :mad:
Oh yeah, I have no idea what that guy was thinking when he did that to Hot Rod, guess he either doesn't want to ever sell it or wants next to nothing for it. lol
That said, I do hate seeing bizarre amateur attempts at weathering like that guy who popped in the Hot Rod thread who blew his figure up with a firecracker :mad:

Oh yeah, I have no idea what that guy was thinking when he did that to Hot Rod, guess he either doesn't want to ever sell it or wants next to nothing for it. lol

Seriously? :slap
Unbelievable... Hot Toys paid a Chinese factory to pay underpaid factory workers to create that figure.... and he just destroys it ??????
Unbelievable... Hot Toys paid a Chinese factory to pay underpaid factory workers to create that figure.... and he just destroys it ??????

How much more do you want to pay for these figures then? They're made in China to keep costs down after all. :)
After holding out on this figure because of the crazy aftermarket prices, I scored one from a boarding for 360 shipped, perfect condition(no pink panties). Now waiting on mk 3 die cast and I-VII is complete :panic:
After holding out on this figure because of the crazy aftermarket prices, I scored one from a boarding for 360 shipped, perfect condition(no pink panties). Now waiting on mk 3 die cast and I-VII is complete :panic:

Hey i think i saw that one too was thinking hard about it for a few days. I actually scored one with pink panties but painted red for a but cheaper. Cant wait!
Hey do you think that was a good price? Too late now, just hate paying those crazy mark ups
Yeah they are crazy. Funny i always wanted it but once i finally got a war machine for a good price he became a must have lol.