Hot Toys – MMS183 The Dark Knight Rises Bane Figure

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Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

The inevitable "sequels-suck-firstone-rocks" mentality. Quite hipster-ish.

The hypocrisy can sometimes be amusing on this board at times. Because this time last year the majority were fapping for this film. Now it's pants...
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

While the movie had flaws and was abit too long, I actually enjoyed watching it and found that bane was re-imagined better than he was protraited in the comics....IMO. I much prefer the terrorist league of shadows strongman background to the mexican wrestler on venom. The dark knight was the cream of the crop as far as the trilogy goes no question but rises was a good movie for me.
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

Hatred comes from exactly where the love towards the film and/or the figure comes from.

Different points of view, different tastes.

At least TheFiend had him, tried to love him as much as his other figures, but it just seems that it didn't work out for him, so no sense keeping it.

At this day and age that this expensive hobby is getting all the more expensive, it's only wise to cash in on figures you don't have much love for to help finance another that you might just personally consider as a grail.
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

Its cool, like the figure or don' the movie or deside

I gave my two cents on the matter, I saw the movie and enjoyed it, I liked banes protraital in the movie and really dig the figure.

Those who feel differantly are free too, all we can do is collect what we like, if thats not this figure than so be it:)
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

Out of interest did you not like catwoman at all in the movie? I thought she was pretty good but a bit underused and underdeveloped.

I agree her issue was that she was underdeveloped. I need some more to take her seriously. They made an entire movie to make you believe Batman could do it and she shows up and no one really questions it. It's nitpicking but to make the whole concept "grounded" and then to just ask you to "go with it" was kind of annoying.

I also think that TDK gets a little too much credit, as good of a movie as it was, the best BATMAN movie was Begins. We got to the soul of that character and I didn't mind the detour from just Batman in TDK but we went wayyyyy off course in TDKR. I suppose it's our own fault. We applauded TDK for being a superhero movie that was more like a cop movie. Then they made another "superhero" movie that became a "tale of two cities" and then they crammed batman in there.
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

Hatred comes from exactly where the love towards the film and/or the figure comes from.

Different points of view, different tastes.

Yes but I can't get my head around people when one minute it's all rave then the next it's hate.

At least TheFiend had him, tried to love him as much as his other figures, but it just seems that it didn't work out for him, so no sense keeping it.

Fair play.

At this day and age that this expensive hobby is getting all the more expensive, it's only wise to cash in on figures you don't have much love for to help finance another that you might just personally consider as a grail.

Fair play. But some go about it like it's the scraps of the earth.
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

:lol You want the hard truth?

Its the only figure I have from a movie I don't like.

TDKR was one of the biggest cinematic sequel disapointments for me.
I really only own the figure because I think it looks cool. I like the design, its the only figure I feel as such.

The first day I had him I put him on a shelf with Keaton Bats, Jack Joker, Bale Bats and Ledger Jokers. He just didn't fit. He didn't deserve that shelf. So I put him on the second shelf with the Terminators and he certainly wasn't worthy of that. I skipped the third and fourth shelf which is Star Wars and horror so by then he was by himself. By then I asked myself " I hate this ****ing movie, why do I have the figure."

Later that day I started to seriously think about owning the TDK armory by Legend, which is going for a ridiculously good price.

Yeah, you know where this story is going.....


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Hey Bro, don't sell it, hold on to it, in a year or two is going to be worth a lot more than you payed for it, just cool down, if you don't like it anymore for whatever reason it's ok but just see it as an investment.
Bane is the best figure from the Nolan trilogy that Hot Toys as made except for the frigging pants, I have the dx12 next to Bane and believe me is no contest, Bane is way better than Bats, I don't like The Cat that much either but will buy her just to complete the display I have planed for the 3 of them in black costumes and all of them will be displayed with the Bane base witch I think is the best base of the 3.
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

Fair play. But some go about it like it's the scraps of the earth.

Yeah. I find this true as well. If I get to love a figure in spite of its shortcomings and inaccuracies, I just try not to be affected by those who keep beating on it. The fact that I'm keeping it means I don't share the same thoughts as them on the figure.

If handled right, diversity is one of the things that also makes this hobby exciting. I love seeing my friends' collection, for we differ a lot in genre and interests as far as licenses/franchises are concerned. I'm not into Iron Man, so seeing their Iron Man figures is a good break from my Batmen and Terminators.

:duff cheers buddy!
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

Its cool, like the figure or don' the movie or deside

I gave my two cents on the matter, I saw the movie and enjoyed it, I liked banes protraital in the movie and really dig the figure.

Those who feel differantly are free too, all we can do is collect what we like, if thats not this figure than so be it:)

I agree with this 100%. Don't buy or keep figures because other people have them and they are getting recongnition from other people for having it.

I only collect figures and characters from movies and shows that I absolutely love.
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

Its cool, like the figure or don' the movie or deside

I gave my two cents on the matter, I saw the movie and enjoyed it, I liked banes protraital in the movie and really dig the figure.

Those who feel differantly are free too, all we can do is collect what we like, if thats not this figure than so be it:)

Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

Yes but I can't get my head around people when one minute it's all rave then the next it's hate.

Hype. I'm sure a lot of people went to see the movie all hyped up and came out thinking it was the greatest thing ever and then after a little while or with repeated viewings they kind of settled down and thought "wait, this really isn't as good as I thought"

Of course there are also those who just didn't like it from the start and those who loved it and still do to this day. And those who are somewhere in between like myself.
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

I agree her issue was that she was underdeveloped. I need some more to take her seriously. They made an entire movie to make you believe Batman could do it and she shows up and no one really questions it. It's nitpicking but to make the whole concept "grounded" and then to just ask you to "go with it" was kind of annoying.

I also think that TDK gets a little too much credit, as good of a movie as it was, the best BATMAN movie was Begins. We got to the soul of that character and I didn't mind the detour from just Batman in TDK but we went wayyyyy off course in TDKR. I suppose it's our own fault. We applauded TDK for being a superhero movie that was more like a cop movie. Then they made another "superhero" movie that became a "tale of two cities" and then they crammed batman in there.

Yeah that was basically my problem, they were taking batman out of the film more and more with each movie. Batmans big return on the batpod was a great scene because we'd waited 40 minutes and built up his return, so I was fine with that. But to then only have a couple of scenes and then disappear for the majority of the movie again is a bit annoying. I also agree begins is probably my favourite batman movie. It has the perfect balance of everything.
As for catwoman, I do feel like they just kind of three her in there, she should have been developed more. I think Hathaway played her well and I even think the costume looks cool, just seems a little out of place in the world Nolan created with the first two films.

Its cool, like the figure or don' the movie or deside

I gave my two cents on the matter, I saw the movie and enjoyed it, I liked banes protraital in the movie and really dig the figure.

Those who feel differantly are free too, all we can do is collect what we like, if thats not this figure than so be it:)

:exactly: if only more people posted stuff like this instead of giving people grief for their own opinions or tastes. :clap:hi5:
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

Finally managed to do the arm swap on my Bane and T800 and my T800 can still be posed exactly how I had him with Bane's arms. It's perfect. Hence.. boss pose.

Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

:exactly: if only more people posted stuff like this instead of giving people grief for their own opinions or tastes. :clap:hi5:

Heh, I don't see any protests going on? I certainly did not see any grief... it's the nature of the internet. If having a few discussions on an open forum amongst collectors is grief, god help us. All I saw was a very simple conversation.

There's quite a simple solution to it all really. If you don't want people to know, you just don't tell them on an open forum. You just get on with it. But sadly so many are stuck in the Facebook/Twitter culture. Share, share, share to the smallest little thing. Thats a fact.
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

Heh, I don't see any protests going on? I certainly did not see any grief... it's the nature of the internet. If having a few discussions on an open forum amongst collectors is grief, god help us. All I saw was a very simple conversation.

There's quite a simple solution to it all really. If you don't want people to know, you just don't tell them on an open forum. You just get on with it. But sadly so many are stuck in the Facebook/Twitter culture. Share, share, share to the smallest little thing. Thats a fact.

When I said grief I wasn't referring to the current discussion in this thread, I meant in general. I actually don't post too much during discussions online in most places because of people's attitudes and defensiveness when someone disagrees with an opinion. I've no interest in arguing with people online about trivial things. I'd ideally like to be able to have discussions with people about things I like but it seems often in ends up with people who don't like the particular topic telling everyone they're wrong. So again, I just avoid getting into a discussion usually.
The Dark Knight was a sequel, nobody said that sucked.

Avengers was a sequel, nobody said that sucked.

Spider-Man 2 was a sequel, nobody said that sucked.

The Empire Strikes Back was a sequel, nobody said that sucked.

Terminator 2. Sequel. Didn't suck.

Aliens, Superman II, don't suck, don't suck, don't suck.

T2 and Empire are the best in those licenses. :lol


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Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

Ever had a look on IMDB? seems nearly every movie gets slated something rotten.