Hot Toys – MMS183 The Dark Knight Rises Bane Figure

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He would cry, then **** his pants if Superman came into the mix. He seemed like an emotional wreck waiting to happen.

I don't see why he'd feel invincible. His crowning achievement was beating down a crappy, rusty, sluggish Batman that had a messed up knee and was inactive for almost a decade.

Bane had a breathing pain problem (and behind the scenes, a corset to keep his back straight) he was fat and handicapped, nothing unstoppable about that. Superman would come in and Bane would hide under his bed in the sewers in a fetal position with Talia. He's be intimidated. Look how pathetic he looked when Batman broke his mask and yelled at him for sucking. Or when Talia put his tubes back in. One peek at some invincible alien and Bane would feel intimidated.

Now the Joker? He wouldn't give two ****s about Superman. He might even be able to break Supes down emotionally if he finds psychological leverage. Even if he couldn't he'd laugh off a giant red and blue fruit cake.


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Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

i love topics like this and they further prove to me that a Justice League can't work. Superman alone can most likely deal with any problem in Gotham and any where else. Then imagine adding Wonder-woman, Green Lantern, Flash, and Martian Manhunter and we end up with a team of gods that can do everything. Batman honestly doesn't fit in any where in a live film adaptation of Justice league. After watching Man of Steel and witnessing what Superman can really do power wise, i mean he alone can stop a Kryptonian invasion.

The Justice League for the most part is a insult to intelligence. Outside of Batman the rest is just so over the top it cannot make a plausable grounded story.

I mean:

Superman : Basically a god and very difficult to have a villian believable to come around of any threat.

Aquaman: Talks to ****ing fish.....

Green Lantern: I can kill him with a 2x4. Seriously? Wood?

Green Arrow: Just like that POS Hawkeye, he gets his weapons from Richard's Sporting goods. Sorry archers are the #3 worst comic hero's of all time behind #1 Green Lantern and #2 Aquaman in my opinion.

With a lineup like that how could that movie fail? Bring on 2015 baby! :lol
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

He would cry, then **** his pants if Superman came into the mix. He seemed like an emotional wreck waiting to happen.

I don't see why he'd feel invincible. His crowning achievement was beating down a crappy, rusty, sluggish Batman that had a messed up knee and was inactive for almost a decade.

Bane had a breathing pain problem (and behind the scenes, a corset to keep his back straight) he was fat and handicapped, nothing unstoppable about that. Superman would come in and Bane would hide under his bed in the sewers in a fetal position with Talia. He's be intimidated. Look how pathetic he looked when Batman broke his mask and yelled at him for sucking. Or when Talia put his tubes back in. One peek at some invincible alien and Bane would feel intimidated.

Now the Joker? He wouldn't give two ****s about Superman. He might even be able to break Supes down emotionally if he finds psychological leverage. Even if he couldn't he'd laugh off a giant red and blue fruit cake.

about Bane, this made me laugh for a good 5 minutes :lol

About the Joker meeting Superman,
Someone made this with Nolan's Joker, It's pretty good for the most part.

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Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

I dont understand why people just cant like what they want to like, instead of people repeatedly telling others that they're wrong or stupid for liking it. I dont like Hathaway's Catwoman at all, but you dont see me sitting in the HT thread just waiting to talk crap to anyone that has anything positive to say about her character.

This board man, I swear. :lol
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Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

I dont understand why people just cant like what they want to like, instead of people repeatedly telling others that they're wrong or stupid for liking it. I dont like Hathaway's Catwoman at all, but you dont see me sitting in the HT thread just waiting to talk crap to anyone that has anything positive to say about her character.

This board man, I swear. :lol

then maybe you should
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

I dont understand why people just cant like what they want to like, instead of people repeatedly telling others that they're wrong or stupid for liking it. I dont like Hathaway's Catwoman at all, but you dont see me sitting in the HT thread just waiting to talk crap to anyone that has anything positive to say about her character.

This board man, I swear. :lol

You should see IMDB. Every internet forum is the same.
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

i was surprised to love bane in the film and can't believe i narrowly considered not getting this figure. he ends up lounging around on my desk even more than my jokers (and that's saying something!).

and he's a lot of fun to photograph!

Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

i was surprised to love bane in the film and can't believe i narrowly considered not getting this figure. he ends up lounging around on my desk even more than my jokers (and that's saying something!).

and he's a lot of fun to photograph!


That's a Bad *** pic.
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

Looking at the character of Bane as portrayed in "TDKR," I thought he was a pretty terrifying Batman villain.

Between the plane hijacking, the manner in which he dealt with his henchmen underground, the brutality in the stock exchange, and his interaction with Daggett - you knew Bane was pure animal.

And the fact that at the end it's revealed he's an emotional human being with a bond to a daughter-like figure? That doesn't take an iota away from his terrifying nature, and only adds depth to his character.
I actually hated Bane, but in a good way. He truly is terrifying IMO although i wasn't a fan of him not being the one who climbed out of the prison. Should have been him.
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

Looking at the character of Bane as portrayed in "TDKR," I thought he was a pretty terrifying Batman villain.

Between the plane hijacking, the manner in which he dealt with his henchmen underground, the brutality in the stock exchange, and his interaction with Daggett - you knew Bane was pure animal.

And the fact that at the end it's revealed he's an emotional human being with a bond to a daughter-like figure? That doesn't take an iota away from his terrifying nature, and only adds depth to his character.

Word. I thought the way he was handled as a character and with the plot was well done. I really enjoy how it comes full circle with batman begins. I see the Dark Knight Trilogy as a combination of John Boorman's Excalibur meets Heat. Absolutely love it.
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

In some way, I actually agree with DiFabio regarding Batman's character arc. It wasn't a big deal for me, but at the same time, the start of TDKR practically rendered the point of TDK's ending moot. In TDK, Batman was described as the only one who "could take it", the one who was willing to make sacrifices. I don't mind the idea that "anyone can be a hero" but the fact that they established a different tone in TDK and went back on their word through TDKR.... the inconsistency kinda killed it. In that regard, I can definitely understand DiFabio's sentiment as I honestly felt the same way.

Now personally, I thought the ending of TDKR was great (Bruce actually moving with his life), but the message that "anyone can be a hero", and the passing of Batman's legacy left me a bit sour. It didn't help that Blake didn't even feel primed or convincing enough to be a suitable replacement considering his impulsive tone and attitude throughout the film (he felt more like the revived Jason Todd than **** Grayson or even Tim Drake which is never a good thing).

As for the villains, I honestly love what they did with Bane, even as a "protectah". It worked, he was a twisted version of what would've been Bruce's role had he actually joined Ra's Al Ghul's cause. His very creation is SPECIFICALLY catered to Batman (I really don't get why anyone feels the need to bring in JLA here considering how utterly irrelevant it is to his character role). Now my main issue? Talia. The idea of the twist wasn't bad by any means, but whatever weight or expectations Nolan had planned for that twist was barely felt as Talia had so little characterization to make her distinct or even interesting enough to actually warrant such a half-hearted reveal in the end. I felt that despite the good character-construction that Nolan had built for Bane (yes that includes his caring side in relation to Talia), I thought that Talia's weak characterization greatly undermined his role and cause. What was initially set up to be a twisted version of Ra's Al Ghul's goal (Bane's vendetta against Bruce, instigating tyranny etc), turned out to be a retread of the exact same goal with Talia's lack of further elaboration on her motives.

The movie definitely had problems, huge problems, even beyond the characterization and the plot (some questionable cinematography and portrayal of time lapses etc.) Personally the main thing that saved it for me was Bane's overall character and Bruce's fate in the ending, but otherwise even I felt like the movie fell short in delivering something far more meaningful than what it gave us.
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Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

I took the movie for what it was, and enjoyed it, rememberer it's based on a comic book character, it's not Shakespeare.
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

And just because it's "not Shakespeare", it doesn't mean that we necessarily have to lower our standards. There's nothing wrong with being critical about it and even then I still enjoyed watching it.
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

And just because it's "not Shakespeare", it doesn't mean that we necessarily have to lower our standards. There's nothing wrong with being critical about it and even then I still enjoyed watching it.

The fact the you enjoyed it even after you lowered your standards proves my point, I bet you even have it in blu-ray and watch it every week with a tub of popcorn a a 2 liter Pepsi :lol
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

The fact the you enjoyed it even after you lowered your standards proves my point, I bet you even have it in blu-ray and watch it every week with a tub of popcorn a a 2 liter Pepsi :lol
....that doesn't make any sense and I don't think you understood what I was trying to say. I can enjoy watching something and still be very critical about it, totally nothing wrong with that. Also sorry to burst your bubble but I haven't bought it on BD (not even on DVD). :wave