Hot Toys – MMS183 The Dark Knight Rises Bane Figure

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Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

I dont know how many times you can all say the same opinions like theyre something new. :lol
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

That is Jimmy Gordon though in the high chair in Batman Begins. Script says so and the kid was casted as such. There's also the fact that Begins was based on Batman: Year One where Jim and Barbara have an infant child.

The little baby in Gordon's modest home when he's taking out the garbage IS their son.

It's a continuity error. Nolan, Goyer and Co. didn't know what was going to go down after 2004 and 2005 as far as story goes. By the time The Dark Knight came around, they needed to have Jimmy Gordon older for their story and simply changed it up a bit. It would have been more difficult having a toddler at the climax of Dark Knight, not to mention all the dialogue between him and Gordon. It's nothing to get worked up about, they just simply changed it up since they were making one film at a time.

Exactly, it's a continuity error, necessitated by the fact that they didn't know what they'd need in "The Dark Knight" when they made "Batman Begins." Thus, a reasonable viewer shouldn't use it to draw conclusions about setting and the passage of time - and certainly not when other, more obvious, and more deliberately conceived evidence points to a different conclusion.

And the time frame between Begins and The Dark Knight is less than a year.

It's more like 12-15 months. "Batman Begins" takes place in the summer, "The Dark Knight" in the fall.
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

The Dark Knight got it right, TDKR got it wrong. In The Dark Knight, Bruce see's the folly of his "plans for a normal life" and his childish pining for Rachel. He grows up and wisens after experiencing the events of TDK. That "symbol of hope" crap dies after Begins and the character takes up a new meaning, "a Dark Knight". It's all right in there at the end of the second film with everything Gordon is telling his son. Batman does the things that other people cannot, what the police can't do. He becomes an incorruptible force that takes on a new meaning as a guardian of the city, not necessarily it's hero in bright, shining armor. His colder demeanor after the death of Rachel. How far he's willing to go to catch the Joker with the sonar device "beautiful, isn't it". Being two steps ahead of the enemy. That's pure Batman. Not sitting in your mansion shooting arrows at a bullseyes, moping around, and eventually settling down and fulfilling his gay butler's wishes.

Yes, but the key thing, is that Batman is a human being. It's actually one of his defining characteristics, and is part of what makes him so beloved in the eyes of mainstream society, as opposed to other comic book characters with superpowers.

And the life you describe? The darkness, the martyrdom, the deadening of any warmth inside of him?

After a time, that would wear down any human being and utterly destroy them. It's soul-crushing.

And so the only intellectually honest way to write such a character is to show the eventual lasting effects of such choices and such a life, which leads to a broken shell of a man - as depicted in "The Dark Knight Rises."

Can somebody tell me in detail why they didn't like TDKR because i thoroughly enjoyed it especially the emotional aspect of the film.

In a nutshell? Christopher Nolan tried to tackle way too many concepts and themes in the space of too short a time - so he couldn't do any of them justice, only going skin-deep, because he was trying to cram too much into the space of one film. Some examples of things he couldn't really explore:

-The effect of Bane's "revolution" on the people of Gotham (the citizens, the criminals, the resistance)
-The elements of class inequality that are suggested, and the connection to the Harvey Dent Act
-The parallels and differences between Talia and Catwoman (and what they mean to Bruce), and between Batman and Bane
-The nature of Bane's mystique and the joyous fanaticism he inspires in his followers
-The characterization of Talia as a villain (her reveal happens far too soon before her death)

Nolan should have done what Harry Potter did - take the last film and split it into two, so he could do the above themes justice. I'm sure WB would have loved that (any Nolan Batman film was a guaranteed mega-success for them).

"The Dark Knight" was a great film because it tackled so many different ideas and themes and did justice to them. But because "The Dark Knight Rises" didn't, what we got was merely a "good" film, not a "great" one, which only magnifies it flaws - and inevitably meant it was a disappointment.
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

Haytil - :goodpost:

There is nothing wrong with the idea of Batman trying to leave something behind to the people of Gotham. While I agree with DiFabio that the "quintessential Batman" was supposed to be the dark, anti-hero, driven mostly by his own twisted psyche and problems, but since TDKR deals with the END of Dark Knight saga, its fitting that he wanted to leave down a legacy. Nolan allready showed Batman driven mostly by his own problems in the first two films. In "Rises", he wanted to show Bruce getting past the mask and doing some lasting change. As for Bruce retiering, its not like its a totally uncharacterstic of Batman. This dark, brooding Bruce, haunting the corridors of Wayne manor, is something that actually fits the twisted character of moody bastard like Bruce, in a way. So the idea was ok, the execution though, was flawed, for reason that were allready mentioned many times. Some of the problems regarding the retirment, would be solved by making him active during a few more years in the 8-year gap.

That is I think the defining characteristic of Nolan bats. He is angry, furious, mentaly twisted by the events of his childhood and living in a setting that is far more bleaker and nihilistic than most comic book movies, but he himself is mostly driven by the desire to help people of Gotham. His Batman is an anti-hero, but what happend to his parents also filled him with a need to better that damned city, and to do lasting change, as opposed to limiting himself to petty crime fighting only to satiate whatever need coming from his twisted psyche.

Personally, I actually prefer the vision of Batman as a total, uredeemable psycho, but the idea behind Nolan version is sound too, especialy since the three films are showing a progessive character arc, with a proper ending. It's an elseworld interpetation of the character that adds new ideas and themes, but still stays mostly true to the "cannon", even though the comic cannon is so ****ing cluttered, messed up, and choked with different ideas and versions, that its hard to really say what is a truly "cannon" version of Batman.

As for the timeline - it doesn't really matter if its a year or ten. Couse he managed to do planety over the time we saw him. It would be great if he was to be more active during the 8 year gap, but what was shown works too.

Well then I guess I'll just stop posting.

I think he meant the arguments on the previous page ;)
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

....the comic cannon is so ****ing cluttered, messed up, and choked with different ideas and versions, that its hard to really say what is a truly "cannon" version of Batman.

this is why all these arguments are head-scratchers to me. you can talk about personal preference, but there is no single "definitive" batman. after 70+ years, he belongs to something bigger than any single interpretation.

which, ironically, is the point of nolan's movies.

go figure.

: D
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

I will say this, I'm not sure I can even picture Clooney's Batman packing it up and moving to Italy.
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

Out of interest, where did you get those dates from?

I was wondering that too. I am assuming the manual?

They are in the films, on a newspaper that Loeb shows his cops and a photo that Gordon shows Batman.

I thought that at first but he said the manual says he wore the begins suit for five years, so that doesn't add up. :dunno thought maybe there was something I'd missed.

Ok. I see that now. Maybe some behind the scenes videos or wikipedia :lol

There are a bunch of things in that manual that don't line up with the films so I go off the information in the films.
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

I will say this, I'm not sure I can even picture Clooney's Batman packing it up and moving to Italy.

Clooneys Batman/Bruce didn't even seem like he was a tortured soul like the other movie incarnations Bruce Waynes. i'm sure his Batman would rather skate around Gotham than pack up and move to Italy.
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

They are in the films, on a newspaper that Loeb shows his cops and a photo that Gordon shows Batman.

There are a bunch of things in that manual that don't line up with the films so I go off the information in the films.

Ahh that's interesting. Will have to look out for that. Thanks for the info. :hi5:
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

Haytil - :goodpost:

There is nothing wrong with the idea of Batman trying to leave something behind to the people of Gotham. While I agree with DiFabio that the "quintessential Batman" was supposed to be the dark, anti-hero, driven mostly by his own twisted psyche and problems, but since TDKR deals with the END of Dark Knight saga, its fitting that he wanted to leave down a legacy. Nolan allready showed Batman driven mostly by his own problems in the first two films. In "Rises", he wanted to show Bruce getting past the mask and doing some lasting change. As for Bruce retiering, its not like its a totally uncharacterstic of Batman. This dark, brooding Bruce, haunting the corridors of Wayne manor, is something that actually fits the twisted character of moody bastard like Bruce, in a way. So the idea was ok, the execution though, was flawed, for reason that were allready mentioned many times. Some of the problems regarding the retirment, would be solved by making him active during a few more years in the 8-year gap.

That is I think the defining characteristic of Nolan bats. He is angry, furious, mentaly twisted by the events of his childhood and living in a setting that is far more bleaker and nihilistic than most comic book movies, but he himself is mostly driven by the desire to help people of Gotham. His Batman is an anti-hero, but what happend to his parents also filled him with a need to better that damned city, and to do lasting change, as opposed to limiting himself to petty crime fighting only to satiate whatever need coming from his twisted psyche.

Personally, I actually prefer the vision of Batman as a total, uredeemable psycho, but the idea behind Nolan version is sound too, especialy since the three films are showing a progessive character arc, with a proper ending. It's an elseworld interpetation of the character that adds new ideas and themes, but still stays mostly true to the "cannon", even though the comic cannon is so ****ing cluttered, messed up, and choked with different ideas and versions, that its hard to really say what is a truly "cannon" version of Batman.

As for the timeline - it doesn't really matter if its a year or ten. Couse he managed to do planety over the time we saw him. It would be great if he was to be more active during the 8 year gap, but what was shown works too.

I think he meant the arguments on the previous page ;)

Dude....this post is...

Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

Real talk guys, lets shift this back to bane for a bit.

Please let's keep the trash talk outta this as well. So here goes.

Bane, is a bada$$. He feared NOTHING. Right before he fought batman in the sewer, he undoubtedly felt unstoppable, but after defeating him, he must've felt invincible.

So lets say superman showed up in Gotham during batmans absence....would bane feel intimidated by him?

I honestly think he'd feel physically outmatched...but he wouldn't feel intimidated.

What about you guys?
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

Real talk guys, lets shift this back to bane for a bit.

Please let's keep the trash talk outta this as well. So here goes.

Bane, is a bada$$. He feared NOTHING. Right before he fought batman in the sewer, he undoubtedly felt unstoppable, but after defeating him, he must've felt invincible.

So lets say superman showed up in Gotham during batmans absence....would bane feel intimidated by him?

I honestly think he'd feel physically outmatched...but he wouldn't feel intimidated.

What about you guys?

I loved the Nolan Bane as a character, but I have to say he'd be defiant up until the moment that Superman broke him with one punch. Bane was a bada$$ but not god-like in any way. In fact, Supes would probably just restrain him.
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

He would cry, then **** his pants if Superman came into the mix. He seemed like an emotional wreck waiting to happen.

I don't see why he'd feel invincible. His crowning achievement was beating down a crappy, rusty, sluggish Batman that had a messed up knee and was inactive for almost a decade.

Bane had a breathing problem (and behind the scenes, a corset to keep his back straight) he was fat and handicapped, nothing unstoppable about that. Superman would come in and Bane would hide under his bed in the sewers in a fetal position with Talia. He's be intimidated. Look how pathetic he looked when Batman broke his mask and yelled at him for sucking. Or when Talia put his tubes back in. One peek at some invincible alien and Bane would feel intimidated.

Now the Joker? He wouldn't give two ****s about Superman. He might even be able to break Supes down emotionally if he finds psychological leverage. Even if he couldn't he'd laugh off a giant red and blue fruit cake.

I think the Joker would sick the INS on Superman, after all he is an alien , where is his green card? hes not even from this world so he can"t be deported to another country so he would pass his entire life in prison in Arizona wearing pink overalls and cursing sheriff Arrpaio for making him pedal a bike to be able to watch tv
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

I loved the Nolan Bane as a character, but I have to say he'd be defiant up until the moment that Superman broke him with one punch. Bane was a bada$$ but not god-like in any way. In fact, Supes would probably just restrain him.

I guess I should've went deeper with more detail.

If superman were to stop bane before the whole revolution happened, yeah, bane would've lost right then and there. But when he got the nuke, I think at that point, even superman couldn't risk taking down bane knowing that a "citizen" had the trigger. The trucks were lead lined so even superman wouldn't be able to detect the nuke immediately.

Bane is smart. He'd know he would be physically outmatched before a "god". But being intimidated by supes...IMO, probably not.
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

I guess I should've went deeper with more detail.

If superman were to stop bane before the whole revolution happened, yeah, bane would've lost right then and there. But when he got the nuke, I think at that point, even superman couldn't risk taking down bane knowing that a "citizen" had the trigger. The trucks were lead lined so even superman wouldn't be able to detect the nuke immediately.

Bane is smart. He'd know he would be physically outmatched before a "god". But being intimidated by supes...IMO, probably not.

a very interesting stipulation but the character Superman can literally do anything. He will most likely superspeed all the lead lined trucks away from Gotham before Bane or Talia even get a chance to detonate.
As far as Bane being intimidated by Supes, that's highly unlikely IMO. in Nolan's universe, Bane was trained by the league of shadows like Bruce and these men have conquered their fears as well as fear in general. They're most likely gonna be cautious of Superman than anything.
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

a very interesting stipulation but the character Superman can literally do anything. He will most likely superspeed all the lead lined trucks away from Gotham before Bane or Talia even get a chance to detonate.
As far as Bane being intimidated by Supes, that's highly unlikely IMO. in Nolan's universe, Bane was trained by the league of shadows like Bruce and these men have conquered their fears as well as fear in general. They're most likely gonna be cautious of Superman than anything.

Yeah supes is crazy fast, but even he has limits. There were like...3 to 4 lead lined trucks just roaming around, reminding everyone of the nuke. And they were spread pretty far out from one another.

The only way justice league exists is because the writers usually nerf superman...well, at least he was portrayed that way in the JLU animated series. Theoretically he can do everything, but, it'd be boring and makes the other team members pointless.

Anyhow, I'm drifting away from the topic.

If a situation like the one I presented were to happen, I'd say bane would end up being similar to lex. No fear. And would feel in charge, especially when the lives of millions are in his palms.
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

Yeah supes is crazy fast, but even he has limits. There were like...3 to 4 lead lined trucks just roaming around, reminding everyone of the nuke. And they were spread pretty far out from one another.

The only way justice league exists is because the writers usually nerf superman...well, at least he was portrayed that way in the JLU animated series. Theoretically he can do everything, but, it'd be boring and makes the other team members pointless.

Anyhow, I'm drifting away from the topic.

If a situation like the one I presented were to happen, I'd say bane would end up being similar to lex. No fear. And would feel in charge, especially when the lives of millions are in his palms.

i love topics like this and they further prove to me that a Justice League can't work. Superman alone can most likely deal with any problem in Gotham and any where else. Then imagine adding Wonder-woman, Green Lantern, Flash, and Martian Manhunter and we end up with a team of gods that can do everything. Batman honestly doesn't fit in any where in a live film adaptation of Justice league. After watching Man of Steel and witnessing what Superman can really do power wise, i mean he alone can stop a Kryptonian invasion.
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

Bane has no fear? It's like some of you are trying to hype up this pitiful villain as some sort of Terminator. :lol

I guess we're forgetting how he was Talia's wittle "protectah". All Superman would have to do is take Talia away from Bane or threaten her in some way and Bane would be bawling his eyes out.

Even worse, Superman could separate the two of them and send Bane back alone to the pit prison he never even escaped from . . .

How is bane a pitiful villain? what he was Talia's protector but it didn't diminish him as a threat to batman and Gotham. I'm pretty sure everybody knows nobody can beat Superman anybody because he's basically a god.
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

Bane has no fear? It's like some of you are trying to hype up this pitiful villain as some sort of Terminator. :lol

I guess we're forgetting how he was Talia's wittle "protectah". All Superman would have to do is take Talia away from Bane or threaten her in some way and Bane would be bawling his eyes out.

Even worse, Superman could separate the two of them and send Bane back alone to the pit prison he never even escaped from . . .

See dude, this was what I meant when I said try to keep the trash talking out of it. I respect you man, but c'mon, why bother chiming in when you clearly have a hatred for TDKR . I'm not saying you have no right to post, but try and do it without resorting to bashing a character we like.

Again, I don't wanna start any beef with you bud, I'm just saying, if you don't like TDKR, well...why throw in your two cents. I mean, you said we were hyping him up to terminator levels, which means you can't fathom why we like bane. At the same time, I don't see how you can't like him. At least I'm not trying to down play 89 joker when you rave about him. See what I mean man?