This debate on the film is, as far as im concerned, generally two stubborn groups of people. cynics who wanted to hate the film to begin with because of the pedestal they put TDK on, and Nolan fanboys who claim every next film of his to be the greatest of all time.
honestly, in my humble opinion, if you didnt like TDKR, you simply don't like the nolan trilogy, which is perfectly fine. I just find it hard to see how one could enjoy begins and dark knight, and not this one. Comparing one villain to another is just kind of a pointless debate to me. all 3 were fantastic in their own way. Id say overall, TDK is probably the strongest of the trilogy, but I for one am entirely satisfied, thrilled even, by the third installment and say all batman fans should count themselves lucky for such an incredible film trilogy exisiting. Just remember where we were 10 years ago people!