just don't leave Robocop sitting in that chair. his butt sticks to it, losing paint.
nope. it's a different problem: Robocop shouldn't sit at least on two materials i know: his chair and that fabric piece that is used for cleaning glasses (a cheap one, most probably synthetic).That's an awesome advice, in that case, I guess no figure should sit on it?
I wish they gave that purplish hue on the whole body instead of just the limbs.
I'm using some purple lights to display it.. slight improvement without repainting:
And with some Photoshop trying to recreate the siren lights from the poster..
who would be so crazy to display more than 4 variants!I was wondering- is anyone crazy enough to have 4 Robocops on display? As in Murphy, Robo, Semi BD Robo and BD Robo? I have them all but the Robo with Chair set is still MIB, was thinking of opening it to display as the semi BD look.
who would be so crazy to display more than 4 variants!
i display 9, and a 3rd Murphy is still in the box, he will be 10th. but i'm a known wacko.
I'm using some purple lights to display it.. slight improvement without repainting:
And with some Photoshop trying to recreate the siren lights from the poster..
Correct on the ED, not soooo much on the EB. Part 1 „nakedness“, part 2 battle damaged chest and helmet and part 3 with jet pack and gun arm. All Weller mouth pieces. Who‘s that Burke you‘re talking about?Impressive.
I presume that's one clean ED-209 and one with battle-damaged arm. The Enterbay Robocop...one has got to be standard Weller Robocop, another with the jetpack and gun-arm and the third with the battledamaged chest and using the Burke headsculpt?
Guys is it okay to pose the figure with bended arms and legs? I see a lot of you did that. I am asking this because some guys said the rubber part of the figure cracked after a while. I don't want to risk it.
Better not. I‘ve got the arms and knees bend to the point where the rubber still gives in and is not stretched completely.