I bet Doc, 2015 Marty and potentially a BTTF II Delorean all get shown at SDCC and then go up for preorder immediately after just like that slew of figs last year. I bet BR gets shown again, and then goes up for PO as well. By SDCC, Avengers 2 will be out of theaters so HT will need something else to get people fired up.I bet Doc will be announced later this year and release within 3 months of the DeLorean. They probably want to get their Avengers stuff out of the way first since that's going to be their biggest sellers this year. After that I expect we'll see Doc and get dates for the Ripley figures. I wouldn't hold my breath for Batman Returns though.![]()
Black Widow only just shown and they've already put up a teaser for Hawkeye![]()
Most lines are lucky to even get 1-2 figures if that or at all. In the span of a month and a half, Avengers: AoU already has 6 with another 6 on the way.
I guess it helps that half of them are just repaints/retools, atleast in the case of Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Black Widow and Hawkeye.
a-dev, just be grateful they don't outright cancel everything not Star Wars, Marvel, and Nolan-related. They could do that, and probably end up making more money.
Thankfully I think the Nolan stuff is officially dead. They're not a problem, they're a nobody. The problem is Disney with their Marvel/Stah Wahs monopoly.
The Nolan Batman movies are old news, Bank Robber Joker 2.0 has "sold" horribly, Armory value set (all three offerings) are warming retail shelves, the 1/12 Bat vehicle preorder was a dud right out the door, and that Johnny Robin Blake set was the definition of boring. If the Armory set with frickin' Batman is struggling, especially with all that great gear, what chance do two, flat footed cops and a flashlight have?
Would have been nice to have gotten Neeson Ra's, you know, the villain of the first movie, but it is what is. Atleast we got John Bloke.
While they aren't still big sellers, I bet they'll still give us another Joker and Batman figure from those films in the not-too-distant future. There was already speculation about a Joker DX 3.0, and would anyone be surprised to get a Begins Batman suit 4.0?
Chan's infatuation with Nolan will never die, Fabio!
You're on-point, buddy, good job. And this is coming from someone who paid full price for the Armory.![]()