Hot Toys – MMS257 – Back to the Future: 1/6th scale Marty McFly Collectible Figure

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Thankfully I think the Nolan stuff is officially dead. They're not a problem, they're a nobody. The problem is Disney with their Marvel/Stah Wahs monopoly.

The Nolan Batman movies are old news, Bank Robber Joker 2.0 has "sold" horribly, Armory value set (all three offerings) are warming retail shelves, the 1/12 Bat vehicle preorder was a dud right out the door, and that Johnny Robin Blake set was the definition of boring. If the Armory set with frickin' Batman is struggling, especially with all that great gear, what chance do two, flat footed cops and a flashlight have?

Would have been nice to have gotten Neeson Ra's, you know, the villain of the first movie, but it is what is. Atleast we got John Bloke.

Armory sold better than you probably think- at that huge price they don't have to sell out anytime soon... Doc Brown may not be done for a long time- so stupid.

I agree Blake set will not sell anywhere near as well so will be lower production..Howard loves Nolan Bats- so do I!

Bring on Joker 3.0 and BB Bats new & improved. THEN I will be done with the line. Ra's may appear someday after Marvel flms flop and HT has nothing better to do:rotfl
Hot Toys, while we're waiting for Marty, do us and yourselves a favour and announce the Doc. It can only help sales of Marty and the Delorean. I can see no possible negative impact. So ****ing announce him and do not leave us swinging.

:exactly: This!! :lecture :impatient:
You're on-point, buddy, good job. And this is coming from someone who paid full price for the Armory. :slap

Agreed. I also paid full price. Thats what I get for PO'ing a year in advance. That's why I have learned to hold off on PO'ing anything unless I absolutely have to have it.

I did the same thing, I ordered the full set at full price. Had I just waited a couple of months, I would have gotten a bunch of deals in any number of combinations. On the bright side, I did sell Bruce and Alfred off relatively early at $240 each (shaving off $480) back in November . . . BUT I'm in a paypal dispute because the buyer who bought em' went and told their credit company that they didn't authorize the purchase 4 months later despite it being delivered to them last year, despite the positive feedback that was left and despite the back and forth conversations where the buyer was clearly interested in buying the figures. :lol So paypal stuck their hand in my balance and are holding my $$$ for a dispute that doesn't even concern me.

Toys is hell.
Let's face the facts here. We are getting Marty and the DeLorean. Doc I have no hope in getting him. Hot Toys is all Marvel right now. I want Doc but not expecting to get him either. Prove me wrong Hot Toys. This delay is no surprise. Clearly something went wrong and I hope nothing bad either. We'll get Marty by July hopefully.
A Doc is essential, it will be a shame not to see him get made.

Hopefully we'll get some proper info soon.
I honestly do think we'll get Doc. I think if Hot Toys was playing the wait and see game with the line we wouldn't have gotten the DeLorean as fast as we did. My guess is Doc will be announced soon and come either at the same time as the DeLorean or shortly before.
This time last week I was all ready to be


By Hot Toys Marty. :exactly::gah:
I still haven't put down a pre-order for this. Really not sure what's holding me back as I *LOVE* this movie. Idiot that I am I guess.

Cannot wait for its release but I very much doubt it's in the immediate future, but should certainly be coming relatively soon unless HT have messed up.