1/6 Hot Toys – MMS355 - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

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Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

I disagree. The fact we know they invested time and money into a figure means it's much more likely. Very few figures make it to the stage drax did and not get made unless the rest of the license bombs (Lone Ranger) or there are likeness issues (first class and Prometheus and Jackson)
I mentioned earlier when it get this far and the figure fails to make it to preorder it's probably a likeness issue.

Same thing happened with Loki from Thor 1 they showed it off in the catalog and then the actor did not OK the likeness but by then avengers was coming out and they decided to move on that versiob instead
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

If nothing is at SDCC, i will just accept the fact I have to wait until GotG 2 and hope they release him first.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

I mentioned earlier when it get this far and the figure fails to make it to preorder it's probably a likeness issue.

Same thing happened with Loki from Thor 1 they showed it off in the catalog and then the actor did not OK the likeness but by then avengers was coming out and they decided to move on that versiob instead

It can be a likeness issue. Doesn't mean it is. Marvel very very very rarely allows an actor the right to veto any merch. They sign over likeness rights as part of the movie contract. And Tom did when he signed up as well. They do multi picture deals. Given RDJ doesn't have full likeness rights I doubt Tom does (I actually am sure but that's from my personal experience so I'm just making a point)

The issues with Loki where not likeness.

And I've explained, from what I know, what the issues are with Drax. Generally once a figure gets this far and it's not sales (or two exceptions..MJ becuase of death and new likeness rights ownership and the Xavier fc figure becuase fox did not get likeness rights for its actors in its movie deals) it's a production issue. Either the studio doesn't sign off, or they need to reengineer it becuase of machine or tooling issues. The drax issue was a combination of the production pieces not looking as good as the proto becuase of tooling issues, this resulting in marvel not approving the them. It takes 12-18 months to remake a proto to get it to production point. This happens late last summer with Drax. If you think I'm full of it there's an article out there that came out months after I posted this info here that says essentially what I just did (I only mention I said it months before the article so people don't think I just read it and that's my theory)....anyway...so there was zero chance we would get any new drax info until this summer at the earliest.

People Freaking out about it and posting drax on every Facebook reveal is stupid, pointless, and is more likely to piss people off then move things along. They essentially had to start over last summer. It takes time.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

People Freaking out about it and posting drax on every Facebook reveal is stupid, pointless, and is more likely to piss people off then move things along. They essentially had to start over last summer. It takes time.

I think it started off differently but has now become that :lol
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

No Drax :(

Beautiful photo but definitely missing a character to make this feel superb.

If this is now truly the case and Drax is canned, it would be nice for Hot Toys to tell everyone why.
Oh wait... they never communicate anything to their customer/fan base. Nevermind.

They can make every f'ing Iron Man and Batman variant, and Joker out the ass, but when it comes to an original
character to finish a team, this crap happens. $700.00+ on a shelf, with an INCOMPLETE team.

Bunch of A-holes indeed.

I'd have to agree. We probably won't get him and they are leading everyone on and making sure we buy the others. Be realistic, it's business. They know if they say nothing, we will all sit here and hope for Drax, and buy the rest of the team. If they were to have said 'sorry, he's not coming.' Then think of all of the sales lost because people want the full team, or none.

I wanted the full team.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

Hmmm I wonder if I can renew our hopes with some photoshop :rotfl

That's what I was shooting for with that chop pic I did above! Added the logos to make it look official! ;)
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

This pic.....:wink1:


Took my group pic I posted in the Groot thread and added drax and logos... Figured it's as close as I'm gonna get!! Lol
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Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

Just got Groot and Rocket, now just waiting for Drax. Just release the one we saw a long time ago.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

A no show at SDCC will deffo spell the end of Drax. Can't see him happening tbh.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

Hottoys: hope....I'll take that away from u first

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Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

A no show at SDCC will deffo spell the end of Drax. Can't see him happening tbh.

Maybe, but that's not always the case. If they have this wrapped up in some legal crappola, it could just be in limbo. They've shown lots of things that took forever actually get produced. Hoping for the best....if we get to GotG Vol 2 and there's no Drax, then that **** ain't happening. That'll be definite.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu


Four down...one to go...

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