1/6 Hot Toys – MMS355 - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

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Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

Somewhere in the world, a Richard Yang just died of heartbreak
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

I found Drax.

Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

If this is now truly the case and Drax is canned, it would be nice for Hot Toys to tell everyone why.
Oh wait... they never communicate anything to their customer/fan base. Nevermind.

They can make every f'ing Iron Man and Batman variant, and Joker out the ass, but when it comes to an original
character to finish a team, this crap happens. $700.00+ on a shelf, with an INCOMPLETE team.

Bunch of A-holes indeed.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

If this is now truly the case and Drax is canned, it would be nice for Hot Toys to tell everyone why.
Oh wait... they never communicate anything to their customer/fan base. Nevermind.

They can make every f'ing Iron Man and Batman variant, and Joker out the ass, but when it comes to an original
character to finish a team, this crap happens. $700.00+ on a shelf, with an INCOMPLETE team.

Bunch of A-holes indeed.

They do owe us an explanation if he never sees the light of day. Alot of us commit to completing the teams when we start buying so its a **** move to make us think completing the team is even possible when it really isn't.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

So how do we know there is no Drax? That is a display of the four figures so far...Drax may still not be ready...
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

So how do we know there is no Drax? That is a display of the four figures so far...Drax may still not be ready...

Given that the Thor that was on display there didn't have the new sculpt, there's hope still that Drax, like Quicksilver and Ultimate Ultron, just hasn't been completed yet.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

Given that the Thor that was on display there didn't have the new sculpt, there's hope still that Drax, like Quicksilver and Ultimate Ultron, just hasn't been completed yet.

So how do we know there is no Drax? That is a display of the four figures so far...Drax may still not be ready...
You guys sure have a lot of hope. :lol Not to be a downer but the chances of Drax still happening are super slim at this point. The comparison to not having Quicksilver and Ultimate on display doesn't work since they have never showed a single prototype for those figures.

Drax has been on display at all the previous conventions even if it was the crappy old one. Not having a single prototype here and most likely at SDCC is a bad sign. Who knows when the figure will even release if they announce it in the coming months.

Doesn't help that they don't say anything on the matter
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

just gimme my dam drax so i can officially finish this off!!!! :thwak

Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

Well thats pretty terrible, some hope just lost.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

You guys sure have a lot of hope. :lol Not to be a downer but the chances of Drax still happening are super slim at this point. The comparison to not having Quicksilver and Ultimate on display doesn't work since they have never showed a single prototype for those figures.

Drax has been on display at all the previous conventions even if it was the crappy old one. Not having a single prototype here and most likely at SDCC is a bad sign. Who knows when the figure will even release if they announce it in the coming months.

Doesn't help that they don't say anything on the matter

I disagree. The fact we know they invested time and money into a figure means it's much more likely. Very few figures make it to the stage drax did and not get made unless the rest of the license bombs (Lone Ranger) or there are likeness issues (first class and Prometheus and Jackson)
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

Aren't those the same pics from before. Stop the madness!!!!!

You gotta look at the source of who's posting those.

He started out talking a big game about an uncle of a friend of his :)cuckoo:) had solid info on this figure. Then he was called out on it and slowly faded away. I'm still waiting for info from that uncle. :lol
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

But I also loved the character. I loved the entire team in GOTG, there were no weak links for me when it comes to the characters. Drax and Gamora don't get enough love, IMO.

The movie is as great as it is because of the team - not just one or two characters. The team dynamic is what makes it awesome.

:exactly: :goodpost: :rock
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

Here, I made you fellas this, for your campaign. Kind of hard to see, it's the possible new sculpt.

Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

Obligatory haha

Never coming, wait for the sequel
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

I will give up hope after SDCC next week if nothing, old or new sculpt is shown...