1/6 Hot Toys – MMS355 - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

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Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

There's a big difference between statues and action figures.


Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu


Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

What's the holdup with HT?

This company had no problem releasing their version. Looks spot on. Appears they didn't have a licensing issue or whatever new thing is being speculated.

I don't think you understand how it works or what the "speculation" is about. Weather or not another company got theirs approved or not has zero effect on the approval of hot toys figure. they have zero to do with each other.

It's not a "licensing" issue, but part of the licensing process. At every stage of the figures development it needs to get approval from Marvel to move forward. From 3d render to prototype to production. From unpainted prototype to painted. From prototype to production. To production painted. And others. That's just one side. There's also the engineering side. And paint app side. The in house approvals. If the tattoos are sculpted in a way that when they break apart the proto to do the tooling and lay it out for sprues and it doesn't line up right or the detail is lost then they would need to redesign. If marvel looked at it and said NO, we think no matter how much you tinker it's best to just start over, then at that point it's like the drax prototype we saw never happened. They have to make a new render. Get approval. Make a new buck. Get approval. Make a new proto. Get approval. Get it laid out for production. Get approval. Get it made. Get approval. Do paint. Get approval. It takes on average 12-18 months to go from design stage to production stage (or where it's approved for production or ready to go to approval at least).

It makes no difference if a statue got approved in the meantime. None. It's like waking up and your tires flat and thinking just becuase the other three are full of air it can't possible be one is flat. They are unique situations with nothing in common other then both being designs of drax (or all being tires

It's not overly complicated. The made a prototype. For WHATEVER reason it is not being used to produce the figure. They have started over. The why really is not the point. We know they planned on using that prototype up till late last summer when they where still showing. Then for some reason it got delayed or scrapped. There are people that have reported why. Believe those people or don't. Matters little. So from the point late last summer they had to start over. SDCC is/was/will be really the first (FIrST not last) chance we should reasonably expect to see any new drax from hot toys.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

I don't think you understand how it works or what the "speculation" is about. Weather or not another company got theirs approved or not has zero effect on the approval of hot toys figure. they have zero to do with each other.

It's not a "licensing" issue, but part of the licensing process. At every stage of the figures development it needs to get approval from Marvel to move forward. From 3d render to prototype to production. From unpainted prototype to painted. From prototype to production. To production painted. And others. That's just one side. There's also the engineering side. And paint app side. The in house approvals. If the tattoos are sculpted in a way that when they break apart the proto to do the tooling and lay it out for sprues and it doesn't line up right or the detail is lost then they would need to redesign. If marvel looked at it and said NO, we think no matter how much you tinker it's best to just start over, then at that point it's like the drax prototype we saw never happened. They have to make a new render. Get approval. Make a new buck. Get approval. Make a new proto. Get approval. Get it laid out for production. Get approval. Get it made. Get approval. Do paint. Get approval. It takes on average 12-18 months to go from design stage to production stage (or where it's approved for production or ready to go to approval at least).

It makes no difference if a statue got approved in the meantime. None. It's like waking up and your tires flat and thinking just becuase the other three are full of air it can't possible be one is flat. They are unique situations with nothing in common other then both being designs of drax (or all being tires

It's not overly complicated. The made a prototype. For WHATEVER reason it is not being used to produce the figure. They have started over. The why really is not the point. We know they planned on using that prototype up till late last summer when they where still showing. Then for some reason it got delayed or scrapped. There are people that have reported why. Believe those people or don't. Matters little. So from the point late last summer they had to start over. SDCC is/was/will be really the first (FIrST not last) chance we should reasonably expect to see any new drax from hot toys.
Thank you for the detailed explanation.

I was just referring to a few posts I read suggestion that WWE didn't want his likeness used.

You're probably right, I don't fully understand. I just hope we get the figure. [emoji6]
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

Does WWE own Batista the actor's likeness? I kind of find that hard to believe. I can understand if they had him in wrestling togs, but the idea that WWE owns the rights to Batista in any iteration certainly seems unprecedented, but who knows what kind of a contract he may have signed. That said, looking at the Photoshop mockup from a few pages ago reinforces my thinking that I won't accept any substitutes for that figure. I would rather have the team incomplete than use the one HT showed last year, unless it was a super cheap placeholder. This has truly been frustrating. Not to mention not a peep about Nebula, Ronan or Yondu. But at this point I just want a great looking Drax.

I'm also pretty excited about the rumor that Warlock might show up in GotG2 along with Magus (please let him have the purple skin and the white Afro--but I'll take the ponytail/topknot if necessary).
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

Does WWE own Batista the actor's likeness? I kind of find that hard to believe. I can understand if they had him in wrestling togs, but the idea that WWE owns the rights to Batista in any iteration certainly seems unprecedented, but who knows what kind of a contract he may have signed. That said, looking at the Photoshop mockup from a few pages ago reinforces my thinking that I won't accept any substitutes for that figure. I would rather have the team incomplete than use the one HT showed last year, unless it was a super cheap placeholder. This has truly been frustrating. Not to mention not a peep about Nebula, Ronan or Yondu. But at this point I just want a great looking Drax.

I'm also pretty excited about the rumor that Warlock might show up in GotG2 along with Magus (please let him have the purple skin and the white Afro--but I'll take the ponytail/topknot if necessary).

No they don't for the 50th time... Look at The Rock he got his road block figure
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

No they don't for the 50th time... Look at The Rock he got his road block figure
Then why the heck do people keep saying WWE is the problem? I think HT sculpting is the problem.
Anyway I keep checking this thread hoping for a new sculpt.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

Then why the heck do people keep saying WWE is the problem? I think HT sculpting is the problem.
Anyway I keep checking this thread hoping for a new sculpt.

Cause some guy started that rumor on a blog somewhere and not everyone has heard that rumor has been debunked.

Someone here who was knowledgeable about WWE contracts said that Batista currently has signed the Legends contract with the WWE, same as the Rock.

And it's been brought up that the tattoos are the problem and Marvel keeps disapproving it so HT has to keep going back and correct it
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

Then why the heck do people keep saying WWE is the problem? I think HT sculpting is the problem.
Anyway I keep checking this thread hoping for a new sculpt.
Because it's something that people said as a guess and now people say it as if they have actual proof for it. NO ONE knows why Drax is delayed besides Hot Toys and we're never going to know for sure. It doesn't have to do with licensing issues but more about getting stuff approved. There are other companies that spit out Drax products with zero problem.

I personally think it's because of the following:

1) New headsculpt. It then needs to be approved by Disney/Marvel/Dave Bautista. This happened to the DX06 (Jack Sparrow) where Hot Toys initially had a smiling head sculpt shown in the prototype announcement photos but it was later changed and changed again because Johnny Depp wanted it to look different. Howard went into details on this matter in one of the interviews he did with OSR. I would link it but there are a ton of interviews. He said that he had to go back and forth with Disney/Depp for a while before they finally settled on the final expression which caused the figure to be delayed from it's release. This could be happening for Drax as well as Ripley who we already saw had two different head sculpts at two different conventions.

2) The body was also talked down about so they could be reworking it as well.

3) In addition to doing the body again they might have also ran into some problems in finding a way of mass producing the tattoo's on the body and having it painted correctly.

4) Drax isn't happening and he's in the trash can. Wait for GoTG2. This happened to the original THOR 1 Loki which they scrapped in favor of doing the Avengers version.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

Glad it's been debunked. I just check this thread from time to time hoping for a new sculpt and body and invariably it seems the WWE thing pops up. Folks have also been saying Nike is the problem with the Avengers Quicksilver figure. Would be nice for HT to clear the air on some of these issues rather than leaving collectors hanging. These holes in teams are probably not a big deal to them since they are selling hand over fist and have the hottest licenses going with more sequels coming up. For them it might well come down to cost of accurately tooling Batista's physique which only has limited reuse, and getting the likeness spot on, against projected sales. So who knows if they will hold it back, show the old one and say take it or leave it, or blow us away with a new spot on piece.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

Glad it's been debunked. I just check this thread from time to time hoping for a new sculpt and body and invariably it seems the WWE thing pops up. Folks have also been saying Nike is the problem with the Avengers Quicksilver figure. Would be nice for HT to clear the air on some of these issues rather than leaving collectors hanging. These holes in teams are probably not a big deal to them since they are selling hand over fist and have the hottest licenses going with more sequels coming up. For them it might well come down to cost of accurately tooling Batista's physique which only has limited reuse, and getting the likeness spot on, against projected sales. So who knows if they will hold it back, show the old one and say take it or leave it, or blow us away with a new spot on piece.
Lol wut

It's just random speculation. I highly doubt they would even license anything with NIKE. Look at Marty. The camcorder and shoes all came without their companies logo, the shoes being Nike.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

4) Drax isn't happening and he's in the trash can. Wait for GoTG2. This happened to the original THOR 1 Loki which they scrapped in favor of doing the Avengers version.

I don't think 2011 Loki is an apt comparison as the next Loki was from a film just a year away (Avengers).

With Drax, the next iteration would be from GOTG Vol. II which is two years away. Two years absolutely alienates every person (like myself) that bought the four available team members and Thanos.

If HT is intelligent, they'll release GOTG Drax as soon as possible and still give us Vol. II Drax in 2017.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

Lol wut

It's just random speculation. I highly doubt they would even license anything with NIKE. Look at Marty. The camcorder and shoes all came without their companies logo, the shoes being Nike.

Who knows what prompts these rumors. HT could always do a generic shoe if it were an issue, which I doubt. If the compression shirt is a Nike design it was done for Marvel which means they hold the rights. Again I think it may simply come down to projected sales given the potential reuse of the character. In which case it could end up being a TF EX since the character comes from the #1 movie of the year (for now), and it's a pretty easy do.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

Call it blind justice but I'm getting we get a reveal during sdcc15. Might just be proto of new sculpt but I bet we get something.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

Call it blind justice but I'm getting we get a reveal during sdcc15. Might just be proto of new sculpt but I bet we get something.

Fingers crossed!

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Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

Any words from sdcc??

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