1/6 Hot Toys – MMS355 - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

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Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

Just give me Drax, Ronan was a weak character

I don't think he was weak. He was the first truly evil bad guy in the MCU and I thought he was played brilliantly. Plus he looked awesome = the figure should look awesome :)
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

Ronan was my favorite so far :eek:

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Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

I'd love to see Ronan, Ultron and Red Skull come back for the IG movies resurrected by Death or saved because of some infinity gem trickery

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Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

I'd love to see Ronan, Ultron and Red Skull come back for the IG movies resurrected by Death or saved because of some infinity gem trickery

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Damn right! So far the villains have pretty much gone solo and got beaten by either single heroes (mostly) or an ensemble of heroes. Its time for the villains to get their team together :yess:

I don't think Red Skull is dead anyway, he's just been teleported to another place or another time. He'll be back. Ultron can come back. It's just Ronan who needs a little help.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu


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Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

Oh yeah, Loki is still the number one villain so far and still my best HT figure. I just think Ronan deserves more credit. He did come across as a tantrum prone spoled kid but that didn't make him weak. He was physically strong and had real darkness in him. His first scene with the assassination really set him up well and as I recall, the first scene of that ilk in the MCU - a real proper evil bad guy.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

Yeah more insight into his motives and background would have been awesome.

When I introduced my kids to SW it has been via the Original Trilogy so they still get that holy ***** moment and they loved I it. Going into the back story in the PT was also well received.

King Pin, I forgot about him. Such a good bad guy in the series, very well played and a really interesting back story. So yeah, he's also one of the best!

Red Skull is so under rated by most. He was a brilliant baddie, his HT is also one of my best. He's actually my daughters favourite!

I think the MCU has done pretty good with most villains, they just need more fleshing and screen time. The Marvel villains are often as popular as the heroes - the MCU needs to recognise this more.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

Yeah, I really like Kingpin from Daredevil as a villain too - he seemed more interesting honestly, but then you have more time in a TV series to round out characters than in a 2 hour movie. Still, I think one of the reasons Loki works better is you know some of his motivations - he's jealous of Thor and always felt like he was second best. It definitely would have been possible to develop Ronan more - sometimes even a single line of dialogue can inform viewers about a character and add depth. I think they missed an opportunity on that. Schmidt was another villain that worked for me, and again I think it's because you know something of his past by the end of CATFA - he was meant to be the first supersoldier - the first Captain America - and things failed. One of my favorite villains was Khan from the original Star Trek - his history with Kirk makes him a great villain, and his unwavering obsession to get revenge. On the other hand, Darth Vader works great as a villain because of the mystery - he's encased in a black suit, and goes around strangling people... the mystery was somewhat lost with ROTJ, and the prequel trilogy was interesting in that it gave back story - but I'm glad I watched the original trilogy before the prequels, or that mystery would be lost. But having a brooding space alien with power needs a back story in my opinion, because in Ronan's case it didn't feel like mystery to me, it felt like the writers didn't spend enough time developing him in the course of the film. So it's not actually the character, per se, that I have an issue with, it's that I simply wasn't given enough information about him during the film... like sitting down at a steak dinner and you only get one bite, then it's over - not what you expect, and not enough.


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Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

For me, Loki is the best villain, hands down. Ronan just seems like a powerful sulky child to me, but maybe that's how he was in the comics. Loki is cunningly pissed, not just a god-child having a tantrum like Ronan (or like too many americans on their average day, lol).

So I'm guessing that the article on Drax figure for 2016 is a rehash and it's still likely not coming until GOTG2? Despite my earlier comment I'd sell my GOTG figures, I've kept them, I have big display plans for them along with the Avengers and Thanos - Drax would have been preferred to be in it too, but I heard the world is scheduled to end soon, so you know... I'm going ahead with my plans without Drax.

Even Ronan called him a pouty child. XD
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

You used more then two sentences. In back to back posts. Better be careful or the alphabet police will be here.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

Iron Studios Marvel GOTG Statue Set Pic 4.jpg
How come this company can get his likeness rights?
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

I had a dream they finally revealed pics for Drax last night. Looked pretty glorious there. XD
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys – MMS - Guardians of the Galaxy: Drax The Destroyer Collectible Figu

View attachment 225096
How come this company can get his likeness rights?

Becuase it's not a likeness rights issue. Otherwise they would not have made a second prototype. It was an engineering/approval/manufacturing issue. So they had to scrap the first prototype and start all over. Hence the second. They would not spend hundreds of man hours(equals thousands of dollars) to develop a second prototype if they did not have the rights. You don't have to know anything about liken rights to see that