Super Freak
no luck on UPS Thursday...they said on the website that it was out for delivery but it did not make it. Maybe today.
doesnt your UPS stats also show the "scheduled for" date?....
no luck on UPS Thursday...they said on the website that it was out for delivery but it did not make it. Maybe today.
Actual problems? The connection for the sidearm guns is a plastic "peg" which I've seen snap off on more than one time for more than one collector. The stand doesn't fit perfectly onto because of the width of the crotch which makes me a little nervous and the connectors for the eyes seem to be plaguing a bit but nothing super serious that most HT collectors haven't found easy work arounds.
shipped out of California on 1/4/11 and it still hasn't made it. I thought WM could fly much faster than that.
Can you expound on this, Mike (or someone else knowledgeable of this)? I haven't been following the Hot Toys Iron Man figs that closely, so I don't know what issues there are with both War Machine and the Mark IV. I just got War Machine and had / have issues with the arc reactor, both repulsor rays and the eye lights being very faint. Not a biggie for the arc reactor and the repulsor rays; I just ended up opening the battery compartment and repositioning the batteries, and now they are fine. However, with the eyes, the screw for the battery compartment is WAY TOO TIGHT. I've basically ended up destroying the screw as I ended up grinding the phillips head mold on the screw to nothing. I'm at wits' end on how to rectify this. I know the light works, because when I take the helmet off to look at the bulb, the light briefly turns on and the fades to a very faint lighting. Think WD40 may help? That won't damage the paint / plastic, will it?
There might be some leverage left in the screw head that you might not have destroyed, get a proper sized screw drive & you might still be able to open it.
If cannot:
I'll drill it out... a drill bit slightly smaller than the screw head (say 1.5mm in diameter), large enough the pop the screw head off, remove the plastic battery cover, remove the left over protruding screw by twisting anti-clockwise with a plier ... replace the screw.
okay...finally...the sucks at UPS are supposed to deliver WM today....
There might be some leverage left in the screw head that you might not have destroyed, get a proper sized screw drive & you might still be able to open it.
If cannot:
I'll drill it out... a drill bit slightly smaller than the screw head (say 1.5mm in diameter), large enough the pop the screw head off, remove the plastic battery cover, remove the left over protruding screw by twisting anti-clockwise with a plier ... replace the screw.
Mine also has dim lights in the hands and neck. Is there a solution for this? I've already checked and repositioned the batteries and that didn't help.
he's here...I'll post pics after I get off work...great figure...really is bulky....only one eye is red though when i turn the head lights on....is this a battery issue or do I not have the head fully on?
Yeesh, is war machine plagued with led issues? My buddy just got in his and the right hand won't turn on even by playing around with the plastic tab.