Hot Toys –MMS203D05 - 1/6th scale RoboCop Collectible Figure with Mechanical Chair

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I do wonder though, how many people have pre-ordered a lot with NRD's and all the NRD's recently has mounted up and has made up one figure that they don't own yet. :)

You can't really think of it like that. The NRD is subtracted from the total cost. It's not a extra fee you're paying. So no, it wouldn't add up.
Preordered and that's the bottom line cause Stone Cold said so!

You can't really think of it like that. The NRD is subtracted from the total cost. It's not a extra fee you're paying. So no, it wouldn't add up.

How can you/I not think of it like that? you're still being charged for NRD's within 24/48hours. If you keep ordering pre-orders with NRD's it's all still mounting up. Very little these days don't have NRD's.
Really not sure about the chair. If I get Robocop AND Cain I wouldn't really use it, would I?
:monkey2 Even with the prices my mad collector brain wants:

One chair ******* Robocop (this figure)
Two Standard Robocops (one for clean look, one for BD look)
Two ED-209s (one for clean look, one for BD look)

Now, even mad collector brain knows that 2 ED-209s is out of the question. But it hasn't quite ruled out buying 2 of the standard Robocop and it is certain it wants one of each of the 3.
now, this brings back memories of my childhood enough that I am re-watching both RoboCop 1 and 2, may PO thhe one with chair :)

This will be my first Hot Toys outside Batman and Iron Man (I know right?! LOL)
Yeah, that's ridiculous. I've let thoughts like those drift off.

I used to buy multiples but that's not happening anymore. A few years ago I went crazy with multiple Hot Toys Terminator and Batman figures, it was fun but it's not for me anymore. Now I buy one and appreciate that specific look, maybe two at the most. Never more. It's not just the space and $$$, it's the uselessness of having that many when they won't all be on display. Technically I already own all those "versions" with my one. The hoarding mentality came into my mind and I've quit ever since.
A truly awesome figure and i'll probably be PO'ing one soon, although i'm disappointed in the lack of an unmasked headsculpt.