My WL for the EX just converted.
How long ago did you jump on the WL?
I think the leg area, thighs look more realistic on the sideshow since they're able to fill them out better (without worrying about the hip joints). And I like how the pockets look with the legs in that position on the Sideshow. Same issue i had with Bespin Luke, thought the pockets on the thighs were too close to the center. If I collected this scale though, I'd probably go for the HT to be able to change up the poses. Chest armor looks too small on the SS one.HT's figure does look more like a real guy than Sideshow's offering IMO.
My WL for the EX just converted.
Not that I don't appreciate the reviews and the effort reviewers put in them but...has any review ever been like on the opposite scale of just being totally underwhelmed by something from SS or HT? Most reviews is always epic, the best, favorite figure, awesome etc, does touch on some downsides but overall always ends with like...awesome figure or something.
Just curious that is all. Because if there isn't, there might be a nice niche for me to do my own reviewsPlanning to do reviews with less of a fan boy tone and give a proper look at downside and upsides and won't be afraid to slap a bad review on something.
Better known reviewers may be more honest because they have other means to acquire a fig then purchasing for their collection.
I'm having a hard time deciding here. Getting 1/6 Fett without a doubt. Do i get 1/4 too? My whole collection is 1/6 so he will look out of place but on the other hand he's Boba F'ing Fett!