Okay, let's get into this:
I received my figure Thursday. It's my first 1/4 figure, and although I have no interest in 1/4 scale, it's Boba Fett and he's my guy, so Hot Toys had my money from the word 'go.'
Like many have said, the pictures that have popped up so far were a mixed bag. The Prototype pics were a mixed bag, as well. The main concern I had was the helmet. Boba Fett is such a complicated costume/uniform, but there's no doubt that the most integral part of the costume is....that helmet.
So, as a Boba Fett aficionado, and a (self-proclaimed) expert

, here's my opinion. I'll try to keep casual fans in mind, as well as us 'experts.' I'll use a metric identical to Michael Crawford's (I always enjoy his reviews). But I'm also going to be short on a few of the sections.
Sidenote: I have no desire to bash this figure. I paid full price via Sideshow, and I will NOT be returning it. I'm happy with my purchase, no matter how hard on it I'm going to sound.
Packaging ****
Huge and pretty. Secure. The picture of the helmet that they used is interesting. More on that later...
Sculpting ***** and *
So much done right. And so much done HORRIBLY wrong. The biggest culprit...the helmet. But first, let's talk about some of the many things done right. The majority of the armor pieces are spectacular! The scale is great, the accuracy is solid.
The sidearm (though it isn't part of RotJ Boba Fett's costume) is a work of art, and has fooled more than one of my fellow Boba Fett costumers as being 1:1.
The boots are beautiful, by far the best of any figure, at any scale.
The gauntlets are amazing, with sharp edges and impressive attention to detail.
In general, excluding the helmet, solid all around. That's where the 5 *s come from.
But on the helmet...not so much. At all. No if, ands or buts, it's a travesty. I really hate to say that, but it's true. If we flash back to the Sideshow Premium Format RotJ, the only thing that was truly off on that statue was the helmet. If we flash back to the Sideshow 1/6 Boba Fett, we find pretty much the same thing. Same with the upcoming Sideshow ESB Premium Format. Unfortunately, practically zero progress has been made. Especially compared to the rest of the armor, the helmet is off in so many ways that it's practically an insult. We're on the cusp of the release of Star Wars Battlefront, and the helmet that EA made (digitally) is almost perfect (sculpt and paint). I truly wonder what Hot Toys used as their reference, because they clearly didn't use any existing photos, scans, the Master Replicas helmet, nothing. As a result, their helmet is JUNK. There's just no way around it. The helmet looks to have been derived from the earlier Sideshow 1/6, in both sculpt and engineering (3-piece main design, rather than a simple 1-piece bucket). For the undiscerning collector, it works just fine, I suppose, but for those of us that are major Fett geeks, the most important part of this figure is the biggest eyesore.
However, from a frontal view, tilted downwards, the helmet works (that's why Hot Toys uses that exact view on the front of the box).
Beyond that, there are a few misses on the sculpt/accuracy. Without getting into too much detail, some of them are:
-Dental files on the back of the helmet
-Lens on the rangefinder topper (helmet)
-The side switch on the left gauntlet
-The shin 'security knife' (it should just be a stirrer)
This probably means nothing to the average collector. I fully understand that. If this were 1/6, I wouldn't be so hard on it. But this is 1/4 scale. The best available product in scaled replicas (not to mention a significantly higher price point). I just can't understand why an item as important as the helmet has never been done correctly.
Paint **
This section is hard to grade. On the one hand, the paint has been applied beautifully, multiple colors and layers, adding to the realism of the figure. On the other hand, the paint doesn't match any version of Boba Fett, though this is supposed to be the RotJ version. The decision to paint the gloves that dark shade is puzzling. Going back to the helmet, the colors are correct; the detailing is not even close. The same can be said for the armor. The color choice is great, but the application is woefully inaccurate. Going DEEP into Fett knowledge, the chest logo is a replica of a trademarked fanmade effort, and does not match any screen-used costume. The orange 'kill stripes' on the helmet? There should be 18, not 16. Such a shame.
Articulation **
As this is my first Hot Toys 1/4 (actually, my first 1/4 of any kind), I figured that the body would simply be a larger version of their world-famous True Type (specifically, the narrow-shoulder model). Unfortunately, I find this body to be excessively limited in articulation. Another poster mentioned that the helmet is difficult to get much articulation from, owing to the ball joint, and I find the same thing. The level of bow/tilt is quite limited, which is important, since that's really the only way Fett can emote. My right arm (that holds the rifle) is quite loose, and can't even support its own weight. The ratcheting joints are fairly obnoxious, as finer posing becomes virtually impossible. I've tried to remove the feet, and after pulling HARD, they still won't come off. I'd like to turn the swivel joint (obviously not a ball joint, like most of their 1/6 offerings), but I'll have to keep trying, apparently.
Fortunately, the hands swap easily.
However, and as most pics have shown, this figure would best be classified as a 'mildly poseable statue', rather than a 1/4 action figure. Because of the material of the armor, and the limitations of the underlying body, deep poses probably won't be possible. That's a big disappointment to a guy like me, since, as my previous pics have shown, deep poses are pretty important.
Accessories ***
The figure includes a small handful of accessories, and since Boba Fett didn't have much gear/weapons that weren't built into the suit, that makes sense. The Exclusive item is the sidearm and holster. Both of them are AMAZING, as the detail and accuracy are simply perfect. However, this item wasn't part of the RotJ costume, so it's inclusion is a bit of a reach. The decision to include a lightsaber-sliced blaster rifle is also curious, since there's no 1/4 Luke to accompany Fett, and I can't understand why any Fett fan would want to display a $500 figure in such a vulnerable and weak position. Needless to say, it will never be equipped on my figure.
Also puzzling is the inclusion of such a limited amount of swappable hands. Two fists, good. Two relaxed palms, great. Two somewhat 'clutching' hands, okay. One trigger hand? Bad. He should've had two, so that he could be equipped with the rifle and sidearm at the same time, at least.
As yet another sidenote, I still maintain that an AWESOME Exclusive item would have been a second helmet, painted in the ESB colors, meaning that the figure could embody either a truer RotJ look, or the much more popular Special Edition version.
To leave this section on a moderate high note, I was QUITE pleased that Hot Toys included the lower jetpack harness. They didn't need to do it, but they showed a great effort in going that extra mile.
The base is impressive. Huge, with two different display options via the swappable panels on the base 'floor.' But, like almost every area of this figure, there's a downside: the crotch support is too long, meaning it will only support him if he is standing straight up (no bent knees).
Outfit ****
Tailoring, fit, material, everything is AMAZING. No complaints here whatsoever. Other than the body underneath.
Fun Factor **
There's just not much to do with him. At some point, I'll disrobe the figure, to see what the underlying body looks like (and where I might be able to Dremel), but it doesn't seem to be as articulated as I would like. The vest (and body) is extremely restrictive, to the point that he can't really aim his rifle as if he's about to fire it, or any other real action poses.
For most owners, we'll have to be content with Boba Fett just standing there, looking mean. That's okay, but I was hopeful that there would be more movement possible at this scale.
Value **
If you're a huge fan of Boba Fett, or a dedicated collector of 1/4 figures, or just have money to burn, the value is high. If you're a casual fan of Boba Fett, or are mostly a collector of 1/6, or on a budget, the value is significantly lower. $470 (+tax +shipping) is no joke.
So there's my thoughts on the figure. Feel free to disagree and/or debate and/or tell me I'm crazy!
I haven't set up my photo gear. I just haven't been inspired to shoot this figure. So here's a handful of cell phone pics (every pose I've used has been shown many times in this thread).
McHaley's custom Sideshow RotJ Premium Format:
Sideshow ESB Premium Format (prototype):
Screen-used ESB Hero:
Screen-used RotJ Hero:
1/6 helmets (Sideshow, Medicom, Tomy):