I recently told her that a pool is a waste of money...after building a life-size Boba Fett prop replica. Mistakes were made.![]()

We are a classic bunch.
I recently told her that a pool is a waste of money...after building a life-size Boba Fett prop replica. Mistakes were made.![]()
Can't speak for Jye, but at this point I know my wife is pretty numb to anything I say about my collection. I recently told her that a pool is a waste of money...after building a life-size Boba Fett prop replica. Mistakes were made.![]()
Great photo by Mark Jolley. One of the best photos I've seen of the figure.
Meet her halfway - design the pool to look like a Sarlaac pit with the legs of your Fett replica sticking out of the bottom so it appears that he's being swallowed head first. It's a win-win!![]()
Can't speak for Jye, but at this point I know my wife is pretty numb to anything I say about my collection. I recently told her that a pool is a waste of money...after building a life-size Boba Fett prop replica. Mistakes were made.![]()
...but I'd still have to buy a pool AND care for it. I can barely swim. This is a win-drown situation for me![]()
Great photo by Mark Jolley. One of the best photos I've seen of the figure.
Classic pose. Looks great! Can't wait to get it.
He always takes good photos of his figures, worth following on Instagram.
That's Cap right there, they got it. Shame about IM being a stepdown.
Great photo by Mark Jolley. One of the best photos I've seen of the figure.
Hey guys, this video provides a pretty nice comparison of four Captain America figures (Endgame, IW, CW, AOU). It is filmed nicely and pretty much compares them from boots to headsculpt and does a shield comparison. I am not a Cap figure expert (I only have the CW version) but I found it to be an informative watch.
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Thanks for sharing the informative and helpful review! I have the AoU and CW Caps, may have to nab this EG because it seems so good too.
I'm not trying to troll here, but seriously what the heck happened to all the people that were complaining about the slapped-on chest piece??????
That was legit never addressed/fixed by HT, yet EVERYONE seems to be ignoring that all of a sudden. It's quite astounding! Like did everyone just suddenly develop amnesia about that particular complaint???
Seems to me people just backed off it because they're trying to justify this purchase now...