Anyone else hoping for a Yon-Rogg? He and Talos were the best parts of the film.
Anyone else hoping for a Yon-Rogg? He and Talos were the best parts of the film.
Still thinking about my ranking tiers. Some movies seem to age well, while others don't. People complain about Brie's performance, but the plot of the movie is doesn't really help to show a lot of range. At least it was better than Scarlett's acting in Iron Man 2 (now that was wooden.)
Thor the Dark World
Iron Man 2
Iron Man 3
Avengers Age of Ultron
Ant Man
Ant Man2
Captain America
Dr. Strange
Captain Marvel
Very Good:
Spider-man Homecoming
Iron Man
Black Panther
Captain Ameria - Civil War
Infinity War
Thor Ragnarok
Captain America - Winter Soldier
I can agree with this list but I would actually put Dr Strange in the Very Good section. I loved that flick.
Yeah even though I don't agree with everything on that list, I'd probably put CM in the "good" category as well. Although that might change after a second viewing.
Oh yeah I totally agree it was a typical MCU origin film with a typical generic villain. pretty straight forward. I did like how he beat the villain with the time loop tho. I just love the character of Dr Strange a lot so I tend to rate it higher than it should be lolYeah, personal preference is going to have a big impact. Dr. Strange was fairly straight by the numbers MCU formula though. Sure there was some cool trippy scenes, but the villain was fairly generic (I want power, I have power.) I mean this is the MCU, so still a 'good movie', just not enough to make it rise above standard formula. No big plot twists or unexpected character development.
Oh yeah I totally agree it was a typical MCU origin film with a typical generic villain. pretty straight forward. I did like how he beat the villain with the time loop tho. I just love the character of Dr Strange a lot so I tend to rate it higher than it should be lol
Not sure why some are sad about sculpted hair. Look at the infinity War black widow with short rooted hair. Looks like garbage ruining what is otherwise a great figure.
My Widow is still in the box, it looks ****ing awful.
Oh yeah I totally agree it was a typical MCU origin film with a typical generic villain. pretty straight forward. I did like how he beat the villain with the time loop tho. I just love the character of Dr Strange a lot so I tend to rate it higher than it should be lol
Glad to see Captain Marvel approaching a half billion worldwide. Saw it yesterday (8.5/10).
Would be nice to see Yon-Rogg, Minn-Erva, Ronan and/or Talos figures, although doubtful they'd come from HT. Maybe one of the knock off companies.
Hopefully a grown Monica Rambeau will show up in CM2.
I doubt that we’ll get a Minn-Erva, given that they killed her off. That surprised me, as in the comics she’s a frequent nemesis of CM. I thought we might see her again in a future movie.
I think Minn-Erva can still come back. It would be pretty easy to explain that the tech in the suit protected her in the crash. She could have been left unconscious at the bottom of a ravine. Gemma Chan did a nice job with the too brief role. Not to mention she's gorgeous. Would be nice to see her back for the sequel in some capacity.
If there is a CM2, I'm curious if it will be set post-Endgame or once again set some time in the past. If it's in the present having an adult Monica seems a given, but I keep thinking about Ronan's line about "coming back for the woman". It didn't strike me as a throwaway line, so maybe they have plans for him having a more prominent role in the sequel. As he's dead in the current timeline, that can only happen sometime after CM but before the events of GoTG.
I think Cumberbatch is a better choice than Phoenix...just my two cents...
One thing that just popped in my head is that prequels always ruin something in the established canon. In the discussion in “The Avengers” in the Helicarrier about the need of “Phase II”, Fury only mentioned the arrival of Thor as the main motivation for weaponizing the Tessaract. This movie just blew a giant portal-in-the-sky hole in that statement. *Sigh*
I think Cumberbatch is a better choice than Phoenix...just my two cents...
One thing that just popped in my head is that prequels always ruin something in the established canon. In the discussion in “The Avengers” in the Helicarrier about the need of “Phase II”, Fury only mentioned the arrival of Thor as the main motivation for weaponizing the Tessaract. This movie just blew a giant portal-in-the-sky hole in that statement. *Sigh*
My Widow is still in the box, it looks ****ing awful.
I would love a movie theater that has headphone inputs in the seat so I could listen to my headphones instead of the theater speakers. That way I don't have to listen to the idiots in the theatre laughing, talking or applauding.
Fury only mentioned the arrival of Thor as the main motivation for weaponizing the Tessaract. This movie just blew a giant portal-in-the-sky hole in that statement. *Sigh*