Maybe Bane didn’t kill him on purpose..seemed like he was warning him and hated Fett more.. the deputy was a casualtyCad shot the sheriff, and he shot the deputy.
Maybe Bane didn’t kill him on purpose..seemed like he was warning him and hated Fett more.. the deputy was a casualtyCad shot the sheriff, and he shot the deputy.
You don’t need spoilers …it’s already revealed over many posts by nowYou longtime Star Wars aficionados have no idea how difficult it is to keep straight that there’s a guy namedwhoCad Banea guy namedshotCob Vanth.
yeah it seems he deliberately shot Cobb on the left shoulder instead of actual wanted to kill him.Maybe Bane didn’t kill him on purpose..seemed like he was warning him and hated Fett more.. the deputy was a casualty
I felt a great disturbance in the Force.Did you just channel Howard through the force? This seems like a real HTs plan.
I hope you are right! It seems like it was alluded to a lot that he needed new armor. Hopefully we'll see next week.We all know he misses that armour and, now he’s had a hole blasted through him by the quickest quick-draw in the galaxy, I’m betting he’ll be getting himself some sort of protective gear for a final showdown- and that will be the figure we and up with.
Armour will be removable to recreate the showdown with Bane and maybe a deluxe will also include the wearable Fett gear.
But the deputy got.. shot numerous times mistake there..that guy is deadyeah it seems he deliberately shot Cobb on the left shoulder instead of actual wanted to kill him instead.
So here’s my theory now…We only see this story in short snippets and draw our own conclusions based on those snippets unlike if it were a movie watched in whole where the beginning and end are seen in a sitting. Maybe the endgame will portray Boba in a completely different light.
They made it a point for Cad Bane to describe Fett as a cold bloooded killer so what if Chapters 1-4 were a ruse that Fett is putting on like an inept crime boss wannabe and the eventuality is that he really is some kind of cold blooded criminal mastermind.
Here’s to hoping something like that is gonna happen.![]()
That's an idea. Would look pretty awesome on Cobb.Does Din still have his old busted armour? Better than nothing![]()
Oh yeah that happened. These last 2 episodes have been overwhelmingProbably got blown up on the Razorcrest.