Hot Toys - 1/6 The Mandalorian Cobb Vanth

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So they're actually using digital sculpts now? That might be a first for HT.

They've definitely been doing it for a while. At the very least Cody's sculpt was digital and they've edited it for every single clone that uses that face as the base with different hair. Hoth Leia's sculpt has been reused twice with different hair. I'm sure there's other examples but got those off the top of my head.
Looks pretty good. I'm severely cutting down on POs and my collection in general and may well leave the hobby all together, but even if that wasn't the case, not sure I'd get this figure at that price tag.
At these prices it might be one of my last figures, period.

I'll definitely be a lot more picky going forward. That said, Disney seems to be making my choices of must have characters a LOT easier :p

That’s been me since 2019 and I have no complaints about it. We vote with our dollars, after all.
Well Cobb turned out great. Hope the armor is removable too for the BOBF look. And he needs his own solo show.
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I doesn’t look like HT have given much- if any- of that texture to his shirt or they’re trying to achieve it using some other technique…

Up close, it isn’t noticeable at all

But, from a distance, you can at least make out the vertical lines.

It just doesn’t appear to be particularly three dimensional- which is a shame- because it’s a necessary greeble that livens up the blandness of his look once out of the armour.

At least the base is positively heaving with texture!

And he’s still cheaper than AOTC C3P0… Let that sink in.
Comics and Cocktails in the UK has this guy up for £354.99
They're not usually the cheapest but still, they're not usually the most expensive either. That price is just nuts.
Looks pretty good. I'm severely cutting down on POs and my collection in general and may well leave the hobby all together, but even if that wasn't the case, not sure I'd get this figure at that price tag.

Already did coz of space and rising prices. Man, I remember back with Marvel's Civil War picking up just about all of them. Now every purchase is nitpicking soul searching. Even when I purchase now it's always on a long PO. Not that it matters because even then there are massive delays.

But I really want this &^%$. 😱
:) they may not charge conversion fees, but they hide it in a worse conversion rate.

They get you one way or another....
The reason I picked my bank was because yes they had worse exchange rate but overall it was still better than going with a bank that had a 2% currency conversion.
This guy is $30 Cheaper than diecast C-3P0. I do not own a diecast HT so curious "cost wise" does that makes sense?
Yes and no because diecast is just a selling point and it will be mostly plastic anyway. I wouldn’t try and compare the prices of any of them because none of the prices make any sense anyway. There is a pie and all the relevant people need a cut of that pie and each figure works differently. The licensee, licensor, manufacturers, various other companies etc. There are pies within pies, sub-pies if you will. It will just hurt your head to compare and I’m hungry for some pie now anyway.
Comics and Cocktails in the UK has this guy up for £354.99
They're not usually the cheapest but still, they're not usually the most expensive either. That price is just nuts.
Dayum. They’re usually one of the more reasonable U.K. stores.
Statuesque is £362 so £350 will likely be the best price anyone can offer over here.
I’m holding off on putting any money down for him until the pound is less of an embarrassment- but that could be a long while.
This guy is $30 Cheaper than diecast C-3P0. I do not own a diecast HT so curious "cost wise" does that makes sense?
Diecast is an absolute scam so, no, charging insanely high prices for the inclusion of a few metal parts when plastic would be far more practical doesn’t make any sense.

Relative to Threepio, Cobb is a bargain. The main cost of figures should come from actor likeness rights, sculpting and painting of the headsculpts and intricate fabric work and tailoring. Threepio has none of these. He’s doesn’t even need the sturdiness that metal joints would afford seeing as he displays barely any range of motion. It’s just silly.

Shipping also ends up costing double for me due to diecast figures tipping the package over the 2kg benchmark so the price gets even more absurd. It’s simply not necessary and it’s inclusion does little beyond punishing the customer financially.
I think it looks real good. I ordered it. I am a big fan of Westerns, both old and new. Grew up watching cowboy shows, so Cobb fits the bill.
They've definitely been doing it for a while. At the very least Cody's sculpt was digital and they've edited it for every single clone that uses that face as the base with different hair. Hoth Leia's sculpt has been reused twice with different hair. I'm sure there's other examples but got those off the top of my head.
the Last Jedi & Rise of Skywalker Rey both have the same head sculpt but different hair
This figure is USD 222 in Hong Kong. I'll probably pass even at that, I don't like the face and hair.

Their up-front deposit has gone up to almost half the value of the figure too, and with the nowadays wait times that's a nice free loan amount for them.
Agreed on the shirt texture. It looks a bit too toned down.

Which is kinda of a bummer for those displaying this sans armor.

Myself I'm kinda torn how to display him. Definitely using a helmetless look though either way.
Agreed on the shirt texture. It looks a bit too toned down.

Which is kinda of a bummer for those displaying this sans armor.

Myself I'm kinda torn how to display him. Definitely using a helmetless look though either way.
I'll display him with the armor on, but definitely without the helmet on. I'm thinking of recreating some sort of Tatooine scene with Vanth, a Jawa with some kind of market stand/table with stuff, some droids and the Tusken Raider. Maybe leave Mando and Grogu out of the display altogether.
While I’ve paid much, much more for a 1/6 figure, $300 for a secondary character is one of those plateaus where I may draw the line. I liked Timothy Oliphant as Cobb Vance in the show, but I wasn’t really clamoring for this figure. If it were Mace Windu, Padme/Queen Amidala, or a Farmboy Luke that actually looks like Hamill, I’d begrudgingly fork it over. Those are iconic characters from the movies that most everyone will recognize. Vance is a “fan favorite” guest star on a TV series. I may pick it up if SS starts letting folks use discount codes on preorders again or I’ll wait until it’s released and they offer 10% off.