Vance is a “fan favorite” guest star on a TV series. I may pick it up if SS starts letting folks use discount codes on preorders again or I’ll wait until it’s released and they offer 10% off.

Vance is a “fan favorite” guest star on a TV series. I may pick it up if SS starts letting folks use discount codes on preorders again or I’ll wait until it’s released and they offer 10% off.
Well, you can see how much attention I paid to the character. $200 for a figure? Sure. $300? Who is that again?
Well, you can see how much attention I paid to the character. $200 for a figure? Sure. $300? Who is that again?
Maybe they need to price a bit lower for Inquisitors just because they were lame.
This is Timothy Olyphant as space Raylan in Boba Fetts armour from the best thing to happen in Star Wars for a generation.
I don’t know what Yellowstone is.If they priced on lameness, most figures they release would be very cheap indeed.
Are you one of those guys who can't wait for the cast of Yellowstone to wind up in a Star Wars episode?
Kevin Kostner as a wayward Jedi who won't take **** from the Empire.
This is the first Star Wars figure In a very long time I won't pre order in hopes of getting cheaper on ebay after releaseI've noticed that too. I think that there are also a lot of speculators that have seen a number of figures go up in resale value, after some time, and they believe that they can stay in the hobby by flipping some of these.
I've said it before, but there comes a price-point where I would rather put the money into something else, if not just save it. I think that Hot Toys has reached that point.
This is the first Star Wars figure In a very long time I won't pre order in hopes of getting cheaper on ebay after release
I feel like that’s the cost of getting Maguire’s likeness in that particular case.You guys forget, we broke the $300 barrier for regular ol’ figures with Toby MacGuire Spider-Man, who includes comically little. Hot Toys prices figures based on popularity more than anything else, it would seem.
Not very familiar with the Star Wars market in the US. But usually they don't get cheaper like the other Hot Toys here in Asia, unless we have a "Mando" situation. Star Wars figures only goes up...crazy high, they never go cheaper after releaseThis is the first Star Wars figure In a very long time I won't pre order in hopes of getting cheaper on ebay after release
YESSSSSS. Now THAT is great news!