Heres Darrens photo of Batman kneeling
Nice Pose.............
Heres Darrens photo of Batman kneeling
Probably future superman movie masterpieces will have rubber suits too. That could probably look better.
He may be Superman but he still wears a costume that he doesn't need either, which says a lot about his kinkiness. Super kinky needs leather and rubber with Kryptonian nipples. Afterall, if you set a trend you want to stay on top of the heap. Underwear on the outside still takes the cake, so I don't think anyone needs to worry any time soon. Super.Bite your tongue... Superman in a rubber/leather or armor suit would go against his whole being Super-man... He doesn't need that stuff like Batman, DareDevil or the X-Men do...
so I'm planning what I'll do to my HT BB figure when I get one... (and oh yes, this figure WILL be mine after the wedding lol) so could someone tell me... you know the way most HT figus have a 2 joint neck, is that what this is, or does the solid cowl mean is has a single ball joint? I've not been able to tell from pics. Thanks.
Lucky prick!
Someone confirmed it's the 2 joint neck, slightly limited because of the stiffness of the cowl material, but still more versatile than a 1 joint neck.
Great pics, Shaun. I wish I could take pictures like some of you. Where did you get that Bruce Wayne suit from?
Stunningly beautiful shot of Batman shaun. More please.
Hi carbo-fation, i got the suit from Toysoldier Menswear set. It's a temporary solution till i switch it with Saturday Toys Men Suit, which I believe is a better fit for a Hot Toys True Type Body which I intend to use for Bruce.
hey pjam, a few more here. my pix are seldom hits and mainly misses.
That figure kindof reminds me of the shotgun wielding banker. William Fitchner I believe his name was, excuse the spelling.
Thanks for info, Shaun. I am torn between having a suit and tie Bruce Wayne as opposed to a overcoat Bruce Wayne, as shown by the Mike.
yup, the likeness is there and it's been abit of a challenge scoring the right shotgun for him on my end.