a wise choice my friend and one that you will not regret....these figures are truly bad@$$!!! you should definately consider getting the joker too.
Thanks ! The Joker is being considered very seriously !
a wise choice my friend and one that you will not regret....these figures are truly bad@$$!!! you should definately consider getting the joker too.
So what's the cheapest place you guys have seen the Saturday Toy's suits? I really only want the suit. I've got a true type to put it on. Any help would be awesome.
mine shipped today.
ordered from Joe.
Congrats Reiny! Are you getting both Figs?
Btw, I'm paid up with Toys2 for both. :blackbat
what's the main difference between original and tdk version?
I just got an email from Eric stating that he will recieve his orders of Batman and Joker "Mid August" nowSo I would assume anytime between August 12-15 is my guess, then another week after that for transit or ship time.
I'm anxious to see the Bale head in person, so far none of the images have wowed me, it looks alright, but the Bale likeness doesn't strike me 100% and something about it just doesn't have that "shrunken person" realism so many portraits from HT have these days.
Well, I don't think you'll find the realism even once you have the sculpt in hand. While the cowl sculpt is pretty much spot on, Wayne sculpt could've used a bit more modifications.