Super Freak
A couple of more shots showing off his accessories. And no, he's not particularly stable in this position.

A couple of more shots showing off his accessories. And no, he's not particularly stable in this position.
Yep, the boots are about as soft as the suit itself.
My God is that sculpt just amazing!!!! Thanks Yulli!!!!
yulli didn't sculpt that headsculpt.. the cowled sculpt was sculpted by someone else.
And it is a great sculpt. I can't remember the artisit's name though.
Soo my Bats should be comin soon.. and i was wondering two things: Does the Bruce head fit on the older True Type bodies and what would be a better suit, black or navy blue?
Great sculpt, and just as important, supporting paint apps, the intensity of those eyes.
The cape is really off. It should end at the clasps, like this:
when you put the cowl on it actually does.
Exactly, it was designed that way...
and that scene was done with a CGI Batman.