Hot Toys 1/6th scale The JOKER Photo thread

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That's definitely a defect, mine doesn't look like that at all. That photo does demonstrate something I was talking with a friend about recently. As much as the Joker coats are consistently a dark purple that behaves differently under certain lighting, some appear to be devoid of purple and just about pure black, as the front part of your coat seems to be. My friend's coat is entirely like your front part, very strange, sloppy QC and signs of the rush to get it out for the film release. I'd contact your dealer you got it from about a replacement, you shouldn't have to keep that.
The quality of that coat is pretty bad, I would'nt accept the quality of that - not for what these figures cost anyway

That's bizarre. Now you can clearly see the two different materials used. Obviously some of us got light gray coats and some got darker gray coats...and some got this half-and-half.

Maulfan's probably right, there must be two purple coats out there after all. One darker and one closer to purple. Not sure what I got now. I hope someone finds the half-and-half version of the overcoat so we can see.
Is it impossible to get an exchange? Even if you're happy enough to keep the trenchcoat on, I'd still inquire, you paid good money for this figure you shouldn't get a multipiece jacket like that, it's just sloppy QC work.
Yup, looks to be the same dark purple that depending on lighting in photos will show more or less of the purple.
It does look dark, but so do the others. I mean, the other two coats are VERY purple in-hand, and in those photos they look extremely the darker HT one will look even darker, as it does. Not sure if in-hand Les' HT overcoat is any darker than ours. Just hard to tell in his photography.

Part of me want's to settle this mystery....part of me doesn't want to know. :)

But the example of the difference in the gray coat material color would support the idea that there is also two different color variations used to make the overcoats as well.
Here's mine with Les' pretty much dead on to the colors. As you can see, it's subtle, but there is a hint of purple in my HT coat.


Les' image adjusted to get his custom figure colors pretty much spot on.


Note his HT coat still shows no signs of purple in it. Not sure how these coats are done, but perhaps the purple is via a dye job or something and some got more or less.
Still hard for me to tell. I could blame the photography and lack of light, regardless of PS adjustments. If the pic got no purple in the coat, you'll never be able to pull it up just by adding saturation.

Maybe one of these guys who has two HT Jokers will be able to show the difference. I think that will be the only way to really tell.

I know you said that it looked like I also have a dark one, but in-hand the purple is clearly visible even in low light -- it's muted but purple. The gloves I have, on the other hand, are very dark, nearly black. But I have yet to see an HT Joker with a vivid purple coat. They all look quite dark.
Still hard for me to tell. I could blame the photography and lack of light, regardless of PS adjustments. If the pic got no purple in the coat, you'll never be able to pull it up just by adding saturation.

Maybe one of these guys who has two HT Jokers will be able to show the difference. I think that will be the only way to really tell.

I know you said that it looked like I also have a dark one, but in-hand the purple is clearly visible even in low light -- it's muted but purple. The gloves I have, on the other hand, are very dark, nearly black. But I have yet to see an HT Joker with a vivid purple coat. They all look quite dark.

I think it's safe to say they're all dark purple like yours and mine, only question left is are some not purple at all.
I think it's safe to say they're all dark purple like yours and mine, only question left is are some not purple at all.

Oh, I think I misunderstood you way back -- I thought you said you and I have the dark one, meaning the almost black one. That's my confusion, that's why I was saying I could see purple clearly in mine. If you meant we have the "purple" one and there's darker ones out there then yeah I could see that. But yes, they're all very dark. The degree to which might be very much like that gray coat example.
Oh, I think I misunderstood you way back -- I thought you said you and I have the dark one, meaning the almost black one. That's my confusion, that's why I was saying I could see purple clearly in mine. If you meant we have the "purple" one and there's darker ones out there then yeah I could see that. But yes, they're all very dark. The degree to which might be very much like that gray coat example.

Sorry to frighten you there bud. I did mean you and I have the same coat type, especially after your photo session, I can see it behaves that way. Yours and mine clearly show purple, even the faintest highlights have purple tints, but with Les', and I'm sure others, there could be degrees of more or less purple in them, which seems strange, I'd thinkg a giant supply of a fabric would be the same.