Hot Toys 1/6th scale The JOKER Photo thread

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People will die...starting tonight...I'm a man of my word...

Can someone answer me this queston please? On all of retail websites ive been on, they all say this joker figure is a pre-order. Theres no problem with that but its a pre-order for december! Why so long?! Most people are getting their's now and now i have to wait till december to get mine... i knew i shouldve pre-ordered it earlier.
But does anyone know why there is such a delay?
ahhh! :huh :banghead
If you're ordering the Bank Robber Joker then it's said to be December and likely delayed till early next year. Why? Because Hot Toys likes to recoup money, in advance pre-orders, to finance their projects, and help to decide an edition size, so as not to over capitalise. If it's the Version 1 then I don't know why it would take that long. Possibly a second wave, but I would think a second wave would come in sooner than that.
Can someone answer me this queston please? On all of retail websites ive been on, they all say this joker figure is a pre-order. Theres no problem with that but its a pre-order for december! Why so long?! Most people are getting their's now and now i have to wait till december to get mine... i knew i shouldve pre-ordered it earlier.
But does anyone know why there is such a delay?
ahhh! :huh :banghead

I think you are referring to the bank robber joker. The period given for the figure release is a time best used to save as much money as u can to get that Bank Robber Joker, yeah baby yeah:chew
If you're ordering the Bank Robber Joker then it's said to be December and likely delayed till early next year. Why? Because Hot Toys likes to recoup money, in advance pre-orders, to finance their projects, and help to decide an edition size, so as not to over capitalise. If it's the Version 1 then I don't know why it would take that long. Possibly a second wave, but I would think a second wave would come in sooner than that.

yeah its the v1
I think you are referring to the bank robber joker. The period given for the figure release is a time best used to save as much money as u can to get that Bank Robber Joker, yeah baby yeah:chew

nah i was talkin about the v1. It sucks that its comin that late but i guess ill have to wait.
But im gettin the br joker too but i knew that was comin later this year.
will be awesome though!:joy
Some people have theirs already because they ordered theirs from other people, not dc direct. The ones coming in later are from dc direct I believe
Some people have theirs already because they ordered theirs from other people, not dc direct. The ones coming in later are from dc direct I believe

Yes, that's true. But I ordered mine from BBTS at the first wave of figures, but I still don't have my Joker. It's still as a pre-order. At least The batman arrived without any problems.
I want my Joker now too :monkey2
Thanks for the tip, Sean. I'll have to try that next time I'm goofing around in PS. I got into the habit of saving the PSDs a long time ago so I change things around.

I don't know how much you do with fonts in PS, but play around with letter space, sizes like changing vertical to half size and things like that, all of the adjustments you can make, you'll be amazed the interesting variations of the same font face you can get and how they can work better or not.
I don't know how much you do with fonts in PS, but play around with letter space, sizes like changing vertical to half size and things like that, all of the adjustments you can make, you'll be amazed the interesting variations of the same font face you can get and how they can work better or not.

Normally I just different fonts I downloaded. I rarely have a need for fonts. But still...solid, helpful advice. So thank you again! :chew