Hot Toys 1/6th scale The JOKER Photo thread

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Yea, wow you are the three button vest "canon" to the look in the film?
Yea, wow you are the three button vest "canon" to the look in the film?

I believe it is true to the film, the prototype had it missing. The promo images are that way, and they were HT's big reference making the figure.

I thought my botton was missing as well until I saw another picture where the botton was missing on the figure also. At that time I thought, "He's missing the same button that I am." This caused me to look at the picture on the box and sure enough, no button.
The fuss is that essentially, the HT coat reflects Joker's coat as seen under night conditions, but the fabric should be a color closer to the true costume so depending on your room lighting, it'll look differently. The base color should be more like this, and the jack just won't achieve that under normal lighting.


The other nit is that there seems to be some variations as to how dark or light the coats came out and those with darker want to feel assured it's a matter of chance and that they didn't lose out getting one early with later ones being different shades.

That happens with anything in real life. Did you not know? This is starting to enter the OCD dilemma.
That happens with anything in real life. Did you not know? This is starting to enter the OCD dilemma.

What happens, that things look darker or lighter in different lighting? Yes I understand that, but HT started their coat with the color Joker's has under dark lighting, they should have made it a medium shade to serve the figure best is all.
I think its cool that Hot toys payed attention to that little detail with the missing button, i guess it was mean't to give off the impression that Joker is pretty carless with a exspensive suit and also knowning he could give a rats ass about money..i like how they gave him a slight grubby look to him.
I took it like Joker's outfit was sort of plucked like form a salvation army bin or something, like random bits from here and there that just suited his liking but weren't meant to look like anything.
He had this suit custom made i believe, since he state in the mob meeting scene that it was costly and they payed for it lol.
I thought my botton was missing as well until I saw another picture where the botton was missing on the figure also. At that time I thought, "He's missing the same button that I am." This caused me to look at the picture on the box and sure enough, no button.

Thank goodness for box photos.
I finally received my Joker today, anyway I couldn't be happier with it.

I was surprised though that he is that same height, maybe even taller than Batman. I would have assumed he would have been shorter.
Maulfan said:
The promo images are that way, and they were HT's big reference making the figure.

Wait.. that makes absolutely no sense. The reason the head sculpt is off is because supposedly HT had NO reference material. That's what everyone has said on here. So which is it? Did they have promo images or not? How'd they to the suit accurate (down to the missing vest button) but not the head!?
Well those pics are not that great when it came to the scars. Perhaps they didnt get Heath's license...who knows.
Wait.. that makes absolutely no sense. The reason the head sculpt is off is because supposedly HT had NO reference material. That's what everyone has said on here. So which is it? Did they have promo images or not? How'd they to the suit accurate (down to the missing vest button) but not the head!?

Pictures have been posted before of HT's fabric team working on the costume for their figure and you could see promo imges on the table.

The thing is, I believe the only reference HT had for their figure were the plain background promotional images of the Joker, and if you look at any of those out there, his face is expressed or posed in ways that if I were a sculptor, I'd struggle with it too. So with poor views of Joker's head, and seemingly lesser scarring prosthetics, i think they just didn't have what they needed to nail a good sculpt, and once Bank Robber time came, they had access to more and better reference material. I think it's a certainty they had reference images, but their quality and quantity is the question mark.
Wait.. that makes absolutely no sense. The reason the head sculpt is off is because supposedly HT had NO reference material. That's what everyone has said on here. So which is it? Did they have promo images or not? How'd they to the suit accurate (down to the missing vest button) but not the head!?
I agree, something stinks. I'm sorry Maulfan, but I don't go along with that line. A few pics with some reference material doesn't explain the bad sculpt. They would have had heaps of material, other than what was seen in those 'in progress' pics. Apart from that, it is a licenced figure, so someone had to sign off on it. Yulli/Hot Toys are professionals, and would request further reference material as needed, especially if it may compromise their ability to produce a product that may get knocked back. Better to do it once and do it right. As devil said, the costume is accurate. You can't say the reference material in those pics showed the rear of the Jokers outfit, so how did they know that his overcoat sported twin splits, where normally they just have one. Or that the actual jacket doesn't have any split at all, where normally it would have one as well. How did they know to put two pockets at the back of his pants. They just had a guess? I don't think so. It's very smelly.

I think it's more probable to say they chose to do it this way to maximise sales. They may have even spruked that fact to the licensor, who would probably not say no to making more money either. They have done it in the past and we ate it up, and more than once, so why not now.
Well, to me, there's 2 possibilities.

1) The reference material they had to do the first figure wasn't good enough to get the best sculpt.

2) They didn't try to nail the likeness on the first sculpt with intent.
The only thing that still bothers me is: Why would HT put the new BR Joker head sculpt on the v.1 body in the new promo pic for the Bank Robber Joker? Isn't that proof that first sculpt was even bad in HT's opinion? Have you ever seen a company do that before?
Well, to me, there's 2 possibilities.

1) The reference material they had to do the first figure wasn't good enough to get the best sculpt.

2) They didn't try to nail the likeness on the first sculpt with intent.

I think that's pretty logical.

1) Is a possibility I wouldn't think a professional company, looking to protect and enhance their reputation, would allow.

2) Yes, their intent being........... They allowed 1) to happen as a purposeful ploy to garnish further financial renumeration for their initial outlay.