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Wow, blakus. Incredible how much that improves the overall look. GREAT work for a rush job.

I am currently working on my DX coat like that, but the grenade rig makes it a little more fiddly.
Thanks mate, i would imagine the grenade rig would make things tricky. I did that one in just over an hour or so, but you could get it alot better if you took your time. Was kind of half watching Bones and half doing this at the same time lol. Hugely fiddly job huh?! I think the other copper color i have coming is just slightly more spot on, teeny bit more red, but even that faded orange color is a massive improvement.
Agreed. It improves the look SO much.

Very fiddly, going to really take my time, but I think I will pick up a spare DX coat too, just in case. The orange I have is a sort of faded salmony orange. Any orange will look great though in my honest opinion. My Halloween costume for instance has quite a bright orange and still looks ace.
Yeah anything is much better than the dark cherry red color lol. I have the actual Dx Joker coming, and am already waiting on another coat for this guy, so hopefully we should both be ok. Best of luck :cool: Patience is key
back on topic.

I got an awesome new shelf for my joker/batman rogues gallery


I really like the.......i never can tell the difference between an RPG and bazooka........anyways, it looks superb, where did you get it? :D

Yeah well I got Bank Robber first and saw no reason too buy V1 after that until now... I am displaying V1 as Joker in Jail and DX as Joker in Mob scene and then Dc Direct in Hit me scene...

I'm only joking mate :)

If it wasn't offensive you wouldn't have needed to go back and edit it. Like when you made fun of Elvis on his bio page and then changed that too.

Again, I know not what you are talking about.
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I need some help folks. My v1 joker's leg just broke off and I need a replacement body. Should I go for the standard or narrow shoulder TT?
I need some help folks. My v1 joker's leg just broke off and I need a replacement body. Should I go for the standard or narrow shoulder TT?

For the V1 Joker, I would go Narrow. Only reason is that it will loosen up the coats and have a better fit.
Thanks ed. I got it off of a military figure when kaybee toys was going out of business. I don't remember what it was called, but check out the WW2 section of some toy aisle and you might be able to find something similar.
Just got my DX vest for my V1/interrogation Joker. BIG improvement! No more lame velcro pulling open, and the added pocket details really make this a nice upgrade.
I remember last year getting that. Great day. My first ever Hot Toys. Scary how badly all the clothes sit out of the box. I had completely forgotten.
Now for the next step/trial. The sport coat/blazer. All bleached out and ready for a redye the correct blue. Then, a liner change also. Again, this is just V1 stuff i'm no longer using, a quick rough trial, so i know it'll work on the good DX stuff. BTw, it looks uneven because it's still wet. :p I tdoesn't strip the satiny liner also - sweet. You could leave it if you wanted to
Now for the next step/trial. The sport coat/blazer. All bleached out and ready for a redye the correct blue. Then, a liner change also. Again, this is just V1 stuff i'm no longer using, a quick rough trial, so i know it'll work on the good DX stuff. BTw, it looks uneven because it's still wet. :p

Cant wait to see how it turns out man
Me too lol, thanks mate, looking at dye kits at the moment, not sure what to get, what's available locally. Would be lots, but just not sure on color options, want to get it SPOT on. They should have heaps though somewhere, just have to ask mum where lol She is my google
Also I have just got done dyeing something myself and just makesure you do only a little at a time cause you can always make it brighter or darker and if you dont like the color before you wash it out and it sets in you can use color remover.