Hot Toys 1/6th scale The JOKER Photo thread

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Sean, save a piece of this for me Bro... at least maybe hold back a little till I post then blow it out BIG Time..

No worries Paul, I'm not going to squash anyone's fun. Hell, I have to reinvent my own wheel a bit haha, used a lot of ideas with Les' figure, now thinking up alternate things to do with mine, and they're out there, going to be fun.
No worries Paul, I'm not going to squash anyone's fun. Hell, I have to reinvent my own wheel a bit haha, used a lot of ideas with Les' figure, now thinking up alternate things to do with mine, and they're out there, going to be fun.

Well I can tell ya this. When the DVD is released I will be licking MY Lips to see some of your magic against TDK screen caps.

That will be quite a Holiday treat.
Well I can tell ya this. When the DVD is released I will be licking MY Lips to see some of your magic against TDK screen caps.

That will be quite a Holiday treat.

Don't necessarily have to wait for that, I have all the trailers in High Def :D, but DVD will open options.
Yeah, but the DVD will be a full Cinematic landscape..

Absolutely, trailers are options, but I don't think most of my favorite moments are shown in there.

I hope the bank robbery Joker has that automatic handgun he used there, shooting out the transport van and in the hospital. Having shot Les' figure with the gun from the DCD, HT Joker felt lacking not having at least the smaller handgun, it's not his MO, but he did use them so it'd be cool to have. Right now I have Hicks' shotgun on standby.
See you got us all excited :huh For some reason I thought you already got your :eek:

Like I wouldn't tell you Guys he arrived. :lol My last update was that UPS is crossing streams; Their tracking system says Monday, their internal System says tomorrow, who knows?

Only the JOKER really knows, he is now in control of the Truck. :lol

You WILL know, believe me... :D
Like I wouldn't tell you Guys he arrived. :lol My last update was that UPS is crossing streams; Their tracking system says Monday, their internal System says tomorrow, who knows?

Only the JOKER really knows, he is now in control of the Truck. :lol

You WILL know, believe me... :D
Well my little Joker is over at LAX reeking havoc on the customs dept. :lol




In terms of film accurracy, it actually doesn't. The inner lining on the trench coat is too Christmas red, it should be more orange but made of a material that can look other shades depending on the lighting, like the film costume, the purple of the pants and trench coat borders on black, it's about 10-20% too dark, the shoes don't quite have the clown shoes look, the tie is a bit simplified, the pattern on his button down shirt is about 10-20% larger than it should be and is more like a black and white color scheme than the blue-grey tint of the film shirt.

I love my Hot Toys Joker, I'm glad I was able to get one and I'm going to have fun making images with it, but in terms of the film accurracy discussion, having seen Les' Joker in hand and studying a lot of Joker images over the last few weeks, I will side with those saying the HT figure isn't very accurrate.

In my opinion, the Hot Toys Joker is the best mass produced Joker in terms of the quality of tailoring and paint applications, it's really impressive how Hot Toys executed making their figure, but the kicker is they applied such great craftsmanship with some poor color and sculpt choices so you don't get the most accurrate figure. As far as mass production pieces, the title of most accurrate is between Medicom and DCD to me.

WAAAAAAAY too nitpicky for my liking. The cloths are better. Better looking, and better designed. Looks better too.
I really, really wish HT had done more intricate paint work on the production pieces, because without sitting down and repainting him, you can't fully appreciate the face sculpt. I was happy with him right out of the box, then when I decided to paint him, I was blown away by what I was able to bring out of it with just a few brush strokes.
Les is the man. Obvious is an understatement. Augmentation! More like reconfiguration. He has an eye you can't argue with.

Les is the man. Obvious is an understatement. Augmentation! More like reconfiguration. He has an eye you can't argue with.

Well I got my Hot Toys Joker today. Same crappy black plastic tray that rips all too easily. Same stupid twisties. So now that the usual is out of the way. What's am I dissappointed about? Yeah the head. It'll do, but what I can't stand is velcroe. It's probably been mentioned, but I've stayed out of these threads of late. What the hell is Hot Toys using velcroe for?

Well I got my Hot Toys Joker today. He's cool. I love the threads. Clothes maketh the man. Marvelous threads. Crappy velcroe.:D
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WAAAAAAAY too nitpicky for my liking. The cloths are better. Better looking, and better designed. Looks better too.

Sorry, I agree with Sean. No problem being nitpicky when one has spent well over $150 for a figure. My Joker has the same issues. Did you miss where he said he liked the figure anyway. I do too, and I made my own custom one as well, so I had no reason to get one, and still like it.

Here's the facts, beyond someone's opinions, objectively, this VERY EXPENSIVE figure has issues, plain and simple. For those that got more purple colored clothing, and not the almost black, you got a better deal also. So I can agree with someone defending it if they got purple, and being angry if they got black. THAT is a for sure issue in my mind and is NOT being nitpicky. No way! is NOT a bad looking toy.
However, it is not as screen accurate as other HT fare. Plain and simple. How we each respond to that is our personal perogative, and as far as I am concerned, we are free to express that here or anywhere. The day someone says I can't here, I am gone. I don't want to be a part of a Toy collecting community where I can't express my grief when I am dissapointed in a long awaited, EXPENSIVE, action figure.

So, I agree with Sean. And Creetch and whoever else dislikes some aspects of the figure.
And the velcro does suck big ones!

Still, note this now, as it's important, Nice figure, glad I got it...Still. I think if mine had had a purple coat and gloves, out of the box, I would be much happier. I expect a much larger backlash over this black thing....HT slipped up. Plain. Simple.