Hot Toys 1/6th scale The JOKER Photo thread

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I should know whether I got a more purple coat or a blacker coat within an hour or two.
If I DO get a more blacked out coat then I will certainly feel peeved and need a place to vent! The Joker colours are purple and green. black and green is more of a green lantern look.
Well, I realize its 150 figure....however, I also realize nothing is perfect. So to me, as long as it looks like the Joker, its perfect for me. If they gave him a red shirt, with blue and green pants, then i'd have issues.

The HT Preds had the greatest inaccuracy ever, they werent fat. Which made them perfect.
Got my shipping notice from Joe, next Thursday seems so far away. :(

Where's my shipping notice? :monkey2

Seriously though, I don't know if I'm more excited to get the figure itself, or being able to play "musical heads" Les and Josh's heads later.
Sorry, I agree with Sean. No problem being nitpicky when one has spent well over $150 for a figure. My Joker has the same issues. Did you miss where he said he liked the figure anyway. I do too, and I made my own custom one as well, so I had no reason to get one, and still like it.

Here's the facts, beyond someone's opinions, objectively, this VERY EXPENSIVE figure has issues, plain and simple. For those that got more purple colored clothing, and not the almost black, you got a better deal also. So I can agree with someone defending it if they got purple, and being angry if they got black. THAT is a for sure issue in my mind and is NOT being nitpicky. No way! is NOT a bad looking toy.
However, it is not as screen accurate as other HT fare. Plain and simple. How we each respond to that is our personal perogative, and as far as I am concerned, we are free to express that here or anywhere. The day someone says I can't here, I am gone. I don't want to be a part of a Toy collecting community where I can't express my grief when I am dissapointed in a long awaited, EXPENSIVE, action figure.

So, I agree with Sean. And Creetch and whoever else dislikes some aspects of the figure.
And the velcro does suck big ones!

Still, note this now, as it's important, Nice figure, glad I got it...Still. I think if mine had had a purple coat and gloves, out of the box, I would be much happier. I expect a much larger backlash over this black thing....HT slipped up. Plain. Simple.

:clap :clap

What's with people getting so defensive about the figure... no ones saying it crap. Just that for as nice as some parts are, others don't quiet meaure up.

BTW, where is there Velcro? Seems like an odd choice for HT.
personally just looking at pics and stuff seems like HT sculpter just got the front likeness to match well without doing the actual profile, the HT nose is off his forehead and the chin and jaw from the side.

might be interesting to dig up some heath shots sans makeup and latex and see how his base face matches up w the HT sculpt. but as it is now while they got a good match for the front, i mean you can really see a likeness in some front shots. they really fell down on the profile.

i will have to pick a HT joker up tho at some point i think overall its a amazing figure the clothes and details are just amazing.
He's here!! And he kicks all kinds of @ss!!



Decided to give him his machine gun and pose him like in the flipping truck scene...

"Come on... I want you to do it... I want you to do it...
Hit me.. HIT ME!!!"





Why would Les lie about the color of his coat?

No one is saying that Les lied. I'm saying that in some pics the lighting made his clothing really purple. But if you look at the actual thing it is a really really dark purple. I doubt that Hot Toys manufactured purple and black Jokers.

The actual product is nowhere this purple. If someone is expecting this type of color don't be surprised when the actual product is much darker.
Seems kind of like the V1 Jack... some had really dark flesh tones, others not as bad. Its very possible different batches had coats made from different material.

I'll definitely be happy if mine looks like the above pic in terms of color.
Seems kind of like the V1 Jack... some had really dark flesh tones, others not as bad. Its very possible different batches had coats made from different material.

I'll definitely be happy if mine looks like the above pic in terms of color.

I've seen the actual Joker Film-worn coat in person and it is pretty dark, just saying... but it sure isn't a black purple, sort of a muted purple...

Also the Joker shirt is more of a slate grey in person..

I get mine in today, really looking forward to it...