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third movie will be incredible.

angelina jolie- catwoman
philip seymore hofman- penguin
johnny depp- riddler

never going to happen


that would be awesome, why not?

Is it possible, sure, likely, I think not. Nolan and his writing team could probably come up with some sort of story that can make those 3 characters fit in the type of context of these movies.

Disecting things a bit, Nolan's Batman world isn't comprised of supervillains persay, at the heart of it all, Batman's nemesis is the mob, it's like the Dark Knight vs. The Sopranos. Ra's and Crane were created as somewhat incidental villains, Ra's was like Bruce but with a misguided way of going about his plans, and Crane wasn't a real threat, merely a pawn to Ra's plans and otherwise a mob ^^^^^. The Joker was an anomoly, just a case of a mobster who'd lost his mind at some point and became an agent of chaos, but he was still tied into the mob.

I don't think there's a way to have 3 traditional Batman foes in one film, at least the likes of Riddler, Catwoman and Penguin, without breaking the world Nolan's created.

I could see possibly 2 of them, with Penguin being 1 for sure. If Penguin is done as twist on a standard mob boss, that can fit into Nolan's world, and then you have Catwoman or Riddler as an anomoly in Gotham much like Joker was, but I don't think 3 can co-exist in one film the way Nolan does things.
Good evening ladies and gentle Mennnnn........

This looks a lot more like Heath. Not so "reptilian" looking, like the production HT head. And yes, I think the HT head has "reptile" qualities going on. Something about the eyes and brow structure.
This looks a lot more like Heath. Not so "reptilian" looking, like the production HT head. And yes, I think the HT head has "reptile" qualities going on. Something about the eyes and brow structure.

I totally get where you're coming from with the 'reptilian' thing.
Nolan does seem to be following the idea presented in Year One and Long Halloween/Dark Victory stories of the comics. In those it was the mob that was the initial foil to Batman, but as the stories progressed, the "freaks" (i.e. Joker, Tow Face, Scarecrow, etc.) started to appear and replace the mob as Batman's chief foes.

A lot of Batman's villians probably would not fit into the who Nolan universe as they appear in the comics, but with a little tweaking, such as what was done with the Joker (no vat of chemicals, the scarring, etc.) allowed him to fit perfectly into the storyline very close to the way in which he written in the books (or at least how he was written through much of the 90's and early 2000's).

As far as the casting, I couldn't begin to tell you. I am sure it will be great for these characters, as I thought Heath LEdger was an odd choice until I saw the first trailer. Now, I can't imagine anyone else in that role.

Regardless, should Nolan do the third, which I sure as hell hope he does, I am sure it will be great (or at the very least, not go the way of Spiderman 3).
I don't see the point of cramming a bunch of villains into a movie.
I sure hope Nolan doesn't go that way and sticks to solid stories and not just a gallery of villains.
I was worried with Two-Face and the Joker both being on this one, but they worked very well. Let's hope that trend continues.
My Joker and Batman have arrived! :chew :banana

I don't think I'll have time to unpack them and set them up though! I've got a busy night packing for a holiday! :monkey2

They look great in their boxes though! :cool:

PsychoCenobite :monkey5