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haha, no kidding!

we were at K-Mart(i know :( ) the other day and it was standing there for me to drink in all it's glory!!1

Lime Wire tastes like amoxocilian, or whatever that white liquidly stuff you take when you have an earache.

I much pefer the Halo Dew. Dont care if it was Halo or not, that ^^^^ is GOOD.

Code Red is my favorite.
That's some tough homework... :)... but I'll try it. It's really tricky to get the right gate in his walk, the slouch, and the lean you make while shifting weight, and keep the figure standing on it's own...on carpet. :lol

Ya, it's nice that his feet have the poseablity they do, but at the same time, it's weak enough that depending, he won't sustain some poses at all or it's beat the clock with some.

I love how you have a good spot to have that spotlight on the floor and the long shadow but a black backdrop. You're very luck to have that spot to shoot, I'd love to have that spot.
Thank you ALL!

This figure is fun to shoot. Comes out looking different every time. Light's gone so that's all today. Gotta get Bats tomorrow in that light.

And Sean, there's actually a white wall back there and my front door...the light's just so hot that everything disappears in the background. Its tricky to not get Joker too hot in the light. Trying to cast him mostly in shadows. I really never know what I got 'til I download. Still tinkering with the pose a bit, but the clothing keeps me from being able to get his arms down by his side...unless the shoulders are twisted around...I didn't take his shirt off to check when I redressed him. I can't raise his arms over his shoulders though so I think they're aligned right. Four layers of clothing really restricts him from doing jumping jacks. :)
And Sean, there's actually a white wall back there and my front door...the light's just so hot that everything disappears in the background. Its tricky to not get Joker too hot in the light. Trying to cast him mostly in shadows. I really never know what I got 'til I download. Still tinkering with the pose a bit, but the clothing keeps me from being able to get his arms down by his side...unless the shoulders are twisted around...I didn't take his shirt off to check when I redressed him. I can't raise his arms over his shoulders though so I think they're aligned right. Four layers of clothing really restricts him from doing jumping jacks. :)

Joker is a tough one to shoot. This is my first Joker figure, well second to shoot counting Les', and the white of the face just comes through so strong, when you try to mute it down to a more normal look sometimes the clothes and rest of him come through too dark. I think you're finding a great mix. Colors and detailing still looks good on your Joker body, but the face isn't too bright white either.
Thank you again, guys!

Yeah, light and shadow really work well for Joker. Like Sean said, I was trying to keep the white face toned down but get the clothing colors to pop. Those two seem to work well for that. I'm still fidding around trying to find the one great pose, so I'll try a few more tomorrow (with Batman as well) and see if I can't perfect this "lighting spot" I have for a few hours during the day.

But thanks everyone who's enjoyed them enough to let me know! :)
Thank you again, guys!

Yeah, light and shadow really work well for Joker. Like Sean said, I was trying to keep the white face toned down but get the clothing colors to pop. Those two seem to work well for that. I'm still fidding around trying to find the one great pose, so I'll try a few more tomorrow (with Batman as well) and see if I can't perfect this "lighting spot" I have for a few hours during the day.

But thanks everyone who's enjoyed them enough to let me know! :)



can't wait to see the batman pics bro!

He should be fun. No real futzing, he's ready to go with just a good pose. And that hard light should really work great with Bats.

If I was daring, I'd undress Joker again so I could try my own hand at some 'interrogation' pics with Batman. But there's been so many good ones so far. I think I'll try something new. I have an idea... :)

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That is just a re-paint? Wow, it looks great!

I've been looking at the great work you did on the re-paint. I just got my figures today and I'm going to try my first re-paint. (on a $150.00 figure????)
Needless to say I'm a bit worried about wasting a good figure trying to achive a great figure.
third movie will be incredible.

angelina jolie- catwoman
philip seymore hofman- penguin
johnny depp- riddler

You can cross The Penguin off that list. In an interview Chris Nolan said he would never use Penguin as a villan. He did not like The Penguin at all. My best guess is Catwoman. Remember the comment made by Alfred as to the new Batsuit not only protecting against dogs, but cats also.
Some good looking pictures posted of this figure as well as repaints, soon as I get mine Im gonna try my hand at it as well.

Also found the Movie Masters Ghoul Batman