Hot Toys 1/6th scale The JOKER Photo thread

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Good work, Wor-Gar! With all Photoshop can do, people forget that it all comes down to shadow and light. Great shots!

Just saw these. Again, I'm late to the party. :sick

Anyway, just wanted chime in WG. Love those shadows! THAT is how to shoot this Guy as Sean and gdb have said. His face lends itself to shadow play, it's one of the reasons why this is such a fun figure. And you really got something there, works really well Bro. Congrats. :clap

Looking forward to the mano a mano. :rock
This figure is a lot of fun to pose and take pictures of, but because of that white face and the behavior of the black paint on his eyes, there are definitely challenges to getting photos to come out how you'd like them to.
You know, you could probably photoshop that to get the effect of Batman's sonar vision when Joker charges him and it's on the fritz, could look cool.
Not a fancy shot, just clean to show the pose. I'm curious if this "walking" pose is working? Guys got any suggestions?


Kind of looks like he's just standing there from the straight on angle. I wish his toes would bend so I could prop his rear foot to make it look more like taking a step.
Not a fancy shot, just clean to show the pose. I'm curious if this walking pose is working? Guys got any suggestions?


I'd say 95% there, the only thing throwing off the walking effect, and it's probably un avoidable, is the feet both being planted. You have a good momentum in the pose of his body, but with both feet flat to the surface, loses the sell of motion, that's the only thing holding it back, but like I said, not sure it can be done without a stand.
Just got my Joker today and he is outstanding. Only thing that bugs me is the same thing that has been mentioned on here - the fact that his shirt collar won't go all the way around his neck, which messes up his tie.

otherwise, insanely awesome. i probably spent about 3 hours futzing with him, trying to get his clothes to fall just right, and in the process, ended up stripping him completely and ironing all his clothes. i'm insane.

his tie broke in the process, and i had to re-tie it (not an easy task), and then sew it back onto the elastic band.

all in all, an amazing fig and looks awesome next to Bats.

I haven't taken any pics yet, and will try to this weekend, although it's nothing you guys haven't seen already!!
I'd say 95% there, the only thing throwing off the walking effect, and it's probably un avoidable, is the feet both being planted. You have a good momentum in the pose of his body, but with both feet flat to the surface, loses the sell of motion, that's the only thing holding it back, but like I said, not sure it can be done without a stand.

Yeah, you just missed my addition to my post -- that's exactly the thing throwing it off. I could try to prop the back foot up and balance on the toe... but I see a shelf dive in my future.

Just got my Joker today and he is outstanding. Only thing that bugs me is the same thing that has been mentioned on here - the fact that his shirt collar won't go all the way around his neck, which messes up his tie.

otherwise, insanely awesome. i probably spent about 3 hours futzing with him, trying to get his clothes to fall just right, and in the process, ended up stripping him completely and ironing all his clothes. i'm insane.

I love that you did that. I'd love to see how the clothes look after ironing. I tried to futz best I could, with a little water treatment here and there with a spray bottle, but the jacket really bunches up under the trenchcoat and they're hard to sit just right on the shoulders and chest area -- at least to get it like in the film. Part of the reason I chose a "moving" pose was so the layers could look like they're blowing open. To get it to lay dead flat, I'd have to soak the whole figure and let it dry. Not sure I want to do that...not yet anyway.
Yeah, you just missed my addition to my post -- that's exactly the thing throwing it off. I could try to prop the back foot up and balance on the toe... but I see a shelf dive in my future.

I've kinda got something going, just experiment and see if you can achieve something you like, i suggest trying stances with the legs apart, help distribute the weight instead of in close together.
Not a fancy shot, just clean to show the pose. I'm curious if this "walking" pose is working? Guys got any suggestions?


Kind of looks like he's just standing there from the straight on angle. I wish his toes would bend so I could prop his rear foot to make it look more like taking a step.

Well, a good walking pose has the lead leg extended forward with opposite arm extended forward, back leg bent at knee with foot toe down.

In your case right leg forward, left arm forward... maybe right arm down. swung back more or at his side.

Tough to do without a stand...
love the walking effect WorGar!!! are you trying to NOT use the stand? it does limit possability, but may help with having one foot on his toes.

however, even if you can't do that, it looks outstanding.
Just got my Joker today and he is outstanding. Only thing that bugs me is the same thing that has been mentioned on here - the fact that his shirt collar won't go all the way around his neck, which messes up his tie.

otherwise, insanely awesome. i probably spent about 3 hours futzing with him, trying to get his clothes to fall just right, and in the process, ended up stripping him completely and ironing all his clothes. i'm insane.

his tie broke in the process, and i had to re-tie it (not an easy task), and then sew it back onto the elastic band.

all in all, an amazing fig and looks awesome next to Bats.

I haven't taken any pics yet, and will try to this weekend, although it's nothing you guys haven't seen already!!


I'm happy you got him bro! Now post some damn pics like the rest of us :lol
love the walking effect WorGar!!! are you trying to NOT use the stand? it does limit possability, but may help with having one foot on his toes.

however, even if you can't do that, it looks outstanding.

Yeah, I don't like stands. Never use them. So I always try to find a pose that works without one. This "walking" bit is tricky. But I saw someone pose their Batman as if he was walking toward you, and I really like that effect. Figured I'd give it a shot with Joker.

BTW, you may have missed my post before, but how does your Joker clothes lay now with all the ironing? Does it help? Or does everything gets mashed up again when you redress? I did some what treatment to help as I added layers -- to hold things down and in place.
they pretty much got all messed up again once i put them back on. :lol

i tried using tweezers to hold one layer in place while i put the next layer on, but with so many layers, there was nothing I could do. some of the creases are out, but it didn't really make much of a difference. for the most part, it simply killed 3 hours of my evening!
they pretty much got all messed up again once i put them back on. :lol

i tried using tweezers to hold one layer in place while i put the next layer on, but with so many layers, there was nothing I could do. some of the creases are out, but it didn't really make much of a difference. for the most part, it simply killed 3 hours of my evening!

:rotfl Oh Reiny. I redressed mine and he looks even better. I think if you can get the grey coat tight and flat, the whole layering thing comes together. I spent a little time with that grey coat, then used tweezers to pull the grey shirt and coat sleeves through the purple Coat sleeves and it looks good...

The purple coat will then sit better and all three should sit flat and line up well over each other. You really need to pull those shoulders completely tight through the grey jacket, as tight as possible or it's automatic bunch up time.
:rotfl Oh Reiny. I redressed mine and he looks even better. I think if you can get the grey coat tight and flat, the whole layering thing comes together. I spent a little time with that grey coat, then used tweezers to pull the grey shirt and coat sleeves through the purple Coat sleeves and it looks good...

The purple coat will then sit better and all three should sit flat and line up well over each other. You really need to pull those shoulders completely tight through the grey jacket, as tight as possible or it's automatic bunch up time.

I want to see pics of yours now. I did that same method. :lol Still having trouble getting the gray coat to "peek" out they way it does in the film. The only way I can get it to "peek" is by having the coat and jacket flap open like I have in my pics.
I want to see pics of yours now. I did that same method. :lol Still having trouble getting the gray coat to "peek" out they way it does in the film. The only way I can get it to "peek" is by having the coat and jacket flap open like I have in my pics.

I'll try to send you one tomorrow. The grey jacket is sitting flat and does not peek out that much from the purple coat.
I'll try to send you one tomorrow. The grey jacket is sitting flat and does not peek out that much from the purple coat.

Odd. I have to bunch my gray coat up in the back just to keep it open. It's like the purple trench is tighter fitting than the gray coat. On mine anyway. I'd love to see yours, so I can reverse-engineer what you did.