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I know I mentioned a few weeks ago that I bought a Modern Russian RPG pack at Toys R Us and that Wal-Mart sells the same brand. Maybe that's what you're remembering.

Now that my Truetype body replacement for Joker arrived and everything's fixed, I'll try to do some shots tonight. I'll even break out the same RPG that MaulFan has. Don't have the pistol though, so I may have to temporarily substitute my GoldenEye James Bond Walther PPK.
WHAT? Not only your Batman broke, but Joker too???? What is it with you and your toys?

Joker was my fault.

I let an idiot friend of mine hold it. I told him to be careful and not mess around with the features. Basically, just look at it. Left the room for no more than ten seconds, and he broke the wrist peg right off it. Then, he tried jerking me around on paying for the replacement. I cut him a break and asked for $60 to cover a Truetype base body from Toys2 rather than the $200 for a brand new Joker (everyone's jacking the price up temporarily), and the a** told me I had to wait until September 1 for the money even though he just spent several hundred dollars on toys over the past month or two. I finally chewed him out over the phone and called him on that stuff, and he paid up--the whole time giving me attitude and trying to make me feel guilty ("I'll get the money even if I have to sell my microwave, my TV, blah blah...")

That's why I got so frustrated when Batman's leg fell off through absolutely no fault of my own.

It may sound superstituous, but I seem to be cursed with the things I want most. Nothing about these figures have been easy. First, finances got shaky, and I was barely able to afford them. Then, that jerk broke my Joker the second night I had it. Then, Batman fell apart. I'm afraid to see what's going to happen with TDK Costume and the Batpod.

In a way, I'm glad this happened because it proved to Eric at Toys2 that I wasn't trying to pull a fast one with Batman. He knew what my Truetype order was for because I'd asked if it was a compatible body for Joker. Knowing that I was paying to replace that at-fault break convinced him of my honesty and that I would've paid for a new Batman if I'd been at fault.
met up with Kuato who totally saved my ass after I repainted/destroyed my Joker HS. asked him to base the make-up off mob meeting/pencil trick scene, and he had told me he JUST finished one based on that scene! it's awesome and looks beautiful on him...can't thank you enough, dude. :D





my pics don't do it justice.
This figure is really hard to shoot!! The white face and the muted colors of the clothing clash, and my camera is having a heck of a time focusing on it.