^ Still loving the capeless look. Once I tire of the current display I'll hook him up with the cape
guys have some idea how to clean his rubber body without damage it? ,
I have checked mine and it is dirty on the chest and shoulder...thanks,
does the aero space 303 work?
someone has tryed on it? re-thanks...
Be very careful. The body is painted. You can rub it off with as little as heavy handling. I wouldn't use any cleaner personally, just a little water.
yes I know, but I have seen someone using this product on his HT batman and it returned like new...I would like to know if someone has using this AS 303 on leo already..I think water is dangerous too...
are you serious ??? very sorry mate..no thanks I really don't want to take the risk...thanks a lot for the advice...I used the 303 aerospace on my HT Bruce Wayne/Batman 2011 figure and the color started coming off, luckily the color underneath was the same and had a nice look to it. But I wouldn't use the 303 aerospace on the Leo body. You could try using it on some small area on Leo where it's not noticeable in case the color would come off.
If it's dirty because of the dust, I suggest to use dust-off.
I use it on my batman bruce wayne, because he suit a dust magnet
yes, but it's not compressed air.
you can search on youtube about this product. It's like the opposite of vacuum cleaner. if your problem is dust, this product will help you.
many people on batman wayne thread use this also.