Hot Toys and Sideshow Bodies: A Comparative Review

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J, don't you feel so much better now that a french/canadian racist has said that youre ok to post here? :lol:lol
Jesus Christ


Shai Hulud said:

lol that will be a cold day in hell with the way you present yourself around here. You act like you are a symbol of courtesy, I find that laughable :lol
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They're all welcome here as far as I'm concered (not that I have any say in the matter) but just think about where you're at and what you're posting in regards to company and product discussion. That's all. As I said I like Medicom's stuff they make an awesome product so it's not bashing from me.
Gruff Old Bear said:
Anyone know where to buy these RAH 301 and 220 bodies? Who or what is Elljay Productions?

i'd REALLY like to know too. whenever i've seen the bods on ebay they're about $50 plus shipping. i did find a place in the UK that sold the Massives for about $35 (US) but they were out and w/ shipping it was back up there again.
lol shesh.. I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to cause an uproar... as you guys would like to say I'm a nut swinger, just wanted to show you guys why I like it so much... I'm sorry if it offended you guys... I'm not in denial, I know when to admit when I'm wrong, but shai and evilface are you guys predjudice againts gay people? lol I mean I have nothing against them, but it seems to me that you guys seem to bash em as much as you bash medicom..

bluesparrow - sorry dude, I just thought or felt, that with this comparison you can compare any and every body... as alot of people mentioned the A.C.E body and EVA and EVOs....

the bigger body is supose to symbolize the FATHER and the smaller the SON, I don't know what you guys were thinking about.
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snakebeater said:
lol shesh.. I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to cause an uproar... as you guys would like to say I'm a nut swinger, just wanted to show you guys why I like it so much... I'm sorry if it offended you guys... I'm not in denial, I know when to admit when I'm wrong.

Don't worry about it. I think it's just that we've had an infulx of Medicom Folks since SS started carrying their stuff (which I'm glad they are) that want to try and remind us here that Medicom is God and SS sucks. I prefer SS IMO they are the best and make the best. I do also like Medicom and as such have bought stuff from their company. I'm not offended but just remember this is a SS Board and that fans of their stuff don't want to hear how great another company is over the one people are here talking about.

I have used quite a number of all these bodies in my work, and I feel this about it...

If I am not concerned that the figure do the 500 meter dash anytime soon, ie. it is gonna sit/stand/whatever, fixed for the most part in a given day, on a shelf, clothed and covered, I am not that against any body if the height and scale is ok. Sideshow is a good height body. There are ways to tighten loose joints, so all I care about is scale.
I would use a HT body for a superhero in tights, or when the figures needs that extra muscle look, but still only in clothing.
The new HT rubber ones are better for exposed arms etc. so that is a no brainer...
As for Medi bodies, unless I want a shorter person, then I stay away from them. They are GREAT bodies, but are not in scale always with the bulk of my collection. That is all. No interest in debating which is made better. They are all good. Volks makes great ones. I just care about scale and what is exposed and how well it works for a given figure.

I have made six Terminator 1 figures using a cheap body, that is an off brand, but is huge like Arnold, and with the Frontline head, and HT T850 clothing, you get a great movie 1 Arnold that looks GREAT on the shelf and is in scale.
If you want total posability with every figure, your work is cut out for you. I want figures that look good and will last and be what I want on a shelf. And, have some body quality or posture of the person I am trying to recreate.
That is all I want.

I say, use what body is best for a given figure. All the rest is debate and preference. Sure there are some quality issues, as in how well a body is made, I get that, but not if the better built body doesn't work for the purpose I need in the given moment. Then so much quality doesn't mean squat to me. I need THE right body then and there. Opinion after that is arbitrary.

IMHO that is. :D


I used the old, original 1978 Mego 12 1/2" body for my short line of Christopher Reeve Superman figures. I only made a few, of which, Pjam is one of the owners of. I accept that it is a very old, and non-posable body compared to the awesome engineering of today's bodies. BUT, for some reason, it works with that figure in a way that no other does for me. It conveys nostagia, as it is the old 1978 Superman body, so, check! Nostalgia factor...then, it has a larger scale slightly than any other body I have yet used, making the Reeve seem even more majestic when compared to another figure next to it.
I know it is a deficient body now...but it has an aspect that no one else seems interested in capturing, short those larger DCD 13" bodies...that is, of the true SUPERHERO! So, I used it. Anyone that has one of my limited posable Superman figures has yet to complain. I think they got what I saw in it too. Not everyone will.
Maybe I will make a body that suits this purpose better myself...but this is an example of why I use a given body for a given purpose. Ultimately, it is a totally subjective choice I am sure.

Just had to add that.
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One more thing and I'll go away....:lol

If I had a preference in a body for an Indiana would be a Sideshow body.
Why? Taller, gangly looking, like Ford in ROTLA. All he needs is a better neck, so he has the Ford "hunch" as he does NOT stand straight up (I HATE THAT IN FIGURES! NO BODY POSTURES!!!Just straight up!!), a double jointed neck like the 12" London After Midnight figure, but with more realistic neck details, makes for a perfect Harrison Ford. Add gloved hands and his famous attire, and you're off! Nasty joints hidden by attire, gangly body, taller than the average figure.
No Hot Toys will capture his lankiness unless they come out with "The Lanky Body" as well as all these others.

Just had to throw in some for old Sideshow. :D

(But a transferred Maul on a black HT or Medi would indeedROCK! :D Sorry SS! Even though he's your best yet to me!) It's always the results!
Les how do you tighten loose joints on a sideshow body as I have a few of those.
nash said:
Les how do you tighten loose joints on a sideshow body as I have a few of those.

I've done everything from tape, to adding some cotton and padding to some places...the loose but tighter fitting joints can be tightened using one method, glue. What I mean is, something that will dry inside the joint, but not necessarily glue it stiff and non-moving. Elmer's glue or fabric glue, in small doses, in the right areas, works well. I have even added drops of superglue gel and kept working the joint until it set and had a tighter joint, but that is risky.
Depends on the joint. The shoulders are the worst. If you can add some cotton up in there, and secure it, then dress the figure, that seems to work well. It's just that Sideshow has those weird double slot shoulders, that I constantly am shifting back with a "pop" each time, that helps them look better. That can be secured with cotton somewhat also.
These methods only work on totally clothed figures.
I haven't had to secure shoulders on a bare figure yet.

Feet, it's best to use the glue method. I hate Spinning Foot Syndrome!
I have noticed that if you can work the ankles around to where the foot turns up or down, in the sideways position only, then the foot will stay in a straight out forward position and stand better without a doll stand. That is small stuff though. It takes some tricky maneuvering thougth of the ankles.

I have never had a problem with SS elbows though. Those suckers come tight!

Oh, then there's surgery!
I had my Pierce Brosnan Bond jump off the shelf once, and when he landed, it popped his torso, and all the tight lines inside pulled his body inward so he looked like a dwarf in regular clothing! That took removing the clothes, taking the torso apart, and reworking the innards where I could reglue the torso halves back where they are supposed to go. Learned a lot that day! These guys are tightly sprung in there! If you tighten that up some, they will not be loose afterwards. Just requires inner surgery.
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