I actually prefer my comic book movies more gritty, grimdark (loved the latest Dredd film and Dark Knight Rises, but wasn't crazy about Whedon's The Avengers, for instance).
Come to think of it, how I'd love to see a proper film adaptation of Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns, provided they put it in the right creative hands.
But I can certainly understand those that miss the more comic book-ish Bat-films.
Me too. Batman inherently has some over-the-top elements (chiefly that he doesn't just get killed within his first week crimefighting

but for me what contrasts him against most other "classic" comicbook heroes is that he seems right home in stories that have
minimal sci-fi / fantasy elements, just as he can work well in more fantasy-and sci-fi-steeped stories (dueling an immortal, fighting a shapeshifter, or woman immune to every poison who controls plants or a man with sub-zero blood in his veins).
For me, Burton's movies had a great style aesthetic with some moodiness, Schumacher's movies had a great colorful 90's comic-booky feel with that dove even deeper into fantasy elements, and Nolan's movies focused the hard-edged grit and psychology of the character the best that has yet been done in live action.
Set-design wise though, Nolan's movies had very minimal changes to the real locations in which they were filmed and I could see why that turned some fans off
and the good effect of it. The turn-off is that I didn't get a distinct feeling of "Gotham" , just a barely noticeably (and in many cases not-at-all) dressed up Chicago, New York, LA, Pittsburgh etc standing in for Gotham, so the city did not leave much impression on me. On the other hand, this is also a
good thing since it feels like a very deliberate choice to avoid an overly stylized feel that might steal some of the focus away from where he wanted it...on the psychology and dynamics between characters. Substance over style. Before any Burtonites* jump on me I'm NOT saying the Burton films are without substance, or that the Nolan films are without style. They each had some of both, but put different weight on each part.
*See what I did there? BTW, I'm both a Burtonite AND a Nolanite. Not because I have to be. Now, because I choose to be. I even like some of what Schumacher did.