Broke and happy
I think he would, yeah... Though I doubt it would have been in the film.
He was pretty close to killing Wayne... Gun was cocked and ready to fire. It was just when Chill yelled "Come on Jack, let's go!" (fleeing before the cops arrived) that he stopped.
Had there been no reason to get out fast or not bring attention to where they were? Yeah, I think he probably would have killed him.
Well, I meant Joker, not young mob Jack.
Which is weird.
You might be right, as younger Jack he might've taken out young BW, hard to tell though.
Yet when he's even more psychotic Joker, I don't know if he would.
For starters he chemically altered tons of cosmetic products which likely could or did kill off many children and adults before Batman got the word out.
I guess young girls would play with makeup, so you're probably right, he would kill kids then.
Oh well, there goes my argument.
Thanks alot Frank.