Uncanny Web-Slinger
Super Freak
^ my only gripe with HT is retreading the same characters instead of making new and fresh ones, and Arkham City is certainly not short on great varied characters that'd make great figures
Jim Carrey Riddler would be hard to pass on. Tommy Lee Jones Harvey Two-Face could be pretty cool as well, depending on how Hot Toys made him.QUOTE]
I am with you there. I think I'd be in for a Robin from forever too. NOTHING from Batman and Robin for me.
It would be awesome to own all movie versions of Batman, all standing next to each other.
^ my only gripe with HT is retreading the same characters instead of making new and fresh ones, and Arkham City is certainly not short on great varied characters that'd make great figures
I can honestly say that I would love an Arkham line that reached the level of content that the Resident Evil lines had.
But Scarecrow wasn't in Arkham City, and Croc was only in it for about 30 seconds.![]()
But Scarecrow wasn't in Arkham City, and Croc was only in it for about 30 seconds.![]()
Right now my only interest is batman, returns and Arkham city. I'm too late in to start getting the begins and TDK!
crap. i keep forgetting it's arkham city and not arkham asylum.
Let's not get a head of ourselves here. Personally, I think Hot Toys' game plan for this year will be the following, in order,
- Bane
- Catwoman
- Nicholson Joker Civilian (whatever that is, they said it's almost done)
- DX 2.0 Joker (whatever that is)
- New TDKR Batman
- Tumbler relaunch
------------- By August/End of Summer ------------------
- Batman Returns
- Catwoman
- Penguin
- Arkham City Batman
- Relaunch Batpod? (seems logical, maybe out in time for a DVD release of TDKR)
- Planned Batwing and/or The Bat (they're planning on a Batwing of some kind, in some form or fashion)
---------------- 2013 ------------------
- '89 Batmobile released
I can imagine how Catwoman is going to look, HT style.
But Penguin, I'm much more interested in seeing what HT does... I'm just so curious about the fatness, the expression, the layering of the clothing, will the top hat be real material or plastic?, working umbrella?, will he come with a penguin?, etc...