Hot Toys - Artist Collection - AVP: Samurai Predator 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure

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That's extreme, sumurai may be bad but it's not at that extreme. As you said ppl have diff perspectives. You think samurai predators are as bad as NFL predators. I think that samurai predators are more acceptable than NFL predators. Said and done. Don't see any conflict.

The thing is that Predators are warriors/hunters, so anything outside of that would not make sense. If Hot Toys would have made that Predator holding Winnie the Pooh's hand instead of this, then I would understand people calling it stupid, ridculous,_______[post your insult], etc., because it does not fit with what we have been shown of them.

But any Pred that is based on ancient warriors, as long as it looks interesting and cool to ME, I will not hesitate to get it. Some concepts might not work too well, but I believe there could be others.

Another thing the Preds and Samurais have in common is their code of honor, which I do not know of other warrior code that is as similar to what we have been shown of the Preds.
In the make believe world of the aliens that we know as Predators, they have been coming to earth to hunt for a very long time. They MAY have been coming in all the different stages of human civilization. Even if this did not have a backstory and the real story was that Hot Toys wants more money, I would still get it. I like the figure, the armor, the base, the colors, the swords, the mask, etc.

I am ok with people expressing their opinions, like you just did, many have come here and expressed their dislike and since they do not like, they seem to not come back and if they do, they at least don't keep posting their dislike or you know what, they have even turned around and started to like the figure.

So if you don't like it, and keep coming here posting the same negative comment over and over, while the ones who like it are maybe having a positive discussion about the figure and the negative posts just keep popping by the same person, then it is not ok. I believe that would be trolling.

If you consider this figure is stupid, does not deserve to be considered a Predator, find it ofensive, hurts your feelings, or whatever you see wrong with it, then the best you can do is ignore it and try to forget about it because no one is making you come here or forcing you to buy it.

i can post in whatever thread i want, this is not your private forum. Did i ever make fun of you for liking it? no. Did i ever call you names for liking it? no. I made one 2line post stating my opinion on the figure and you come rolling in here calling me a troll and to screw off, so yes get over yourself, noone is forcing you to dislike it either.
This is P2 teaching the Mayans how to go out for a pass. He told them to look at the ball and not the defender.

he should be the wr on the jets, maybe then they would had a chance at the playoff this year....actually who am i kidding... :slap
Surely, if Predators were a real alien species, they wouldn't ALL be hunters and warriors. Perhaps they would have less aggressive hobbies and sports! Imagine seeing a bunch of Predators kicking a ball around.
i can post in whatever thread i want, this is not your private forum. Did i ever make fun of you for liking it? no. Did i ever call you names for liking it? no. I made one 2line post stating my opinion on the figure and you come rolling in here calling me a troll and to screw off, so yes get over yourself, noone is forcing you to dislike it either.

What can I tell you about posting on a public forum and people starting to get annoying? From the beginning of this thread, we have had members like you posting the most idiotic remarks like skittles Predators and you name it. Funny at first, but annoying later. I had a discussion with a member here, which was deleted, because of all the negative post that member kept posting.

After all that was over, you come and start doing the same thing thinking you are funny. Yet you tell me to grow up? A "grown-up" would show respect in a public thread based on a collectible figure and let the people that like it, or find it interesting, or want to see the outcome, enjoy the time they have to discuss different aspects of the figure.

I have said it before, I dislike the Noland figure from Predators, the Batman movie figures (except the Heath Ledger Joker) even though Batman is my favorite superhero, but you will never find a post of mine there because I have never visited the threads of figures I do not care for and post stupidities to avoid annoying other members that like them.

I really don't know what people plan on getting when doing so. The figure WILL be released, people WILL buy it, so the CONTINUOUS negative posts of a member in a thread will not be very welcome and become annoying after a while.
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Surely, if Predators were a real alien species, they wouldn't ALL be hunters and warriors. Perhaps they would have less aggressive hobbies and sports! Imagine seeing a bunch of Predators kicking a ball around.

Maybe, but if people make a big deal out of a Predator based on something we all know they do, like being warriors and hunt, imagine what would happen when they make a Predator of something we have not been shown.
Surely, if Predators were a real alien species, they wouldn't ALL be hunters and warriors. Perhaps they would have less aggressive hobbies and sports! Imagine seeing a bunch of Predators kicking a ball around.

Someone had to design their spaceships and cloaking tech, every civilisation has its nerds :lol
I have always imagined the Preds to have adopted the technology instead of developing it. Kind of like a backstory.

The Preds, savage in nature, were slaves for hundreds of years to a more technologically advanced race, then they revolted, killed their masters, and kept the technology, which throughout the years, they have learned to use already. Their dead masters also kept other species and that's how the Preds preferred to hunt Aliens or Xenos.

Nothing new, but simple and straight to the point.
It seems like that's the backstory everyone comes up with, no idea why..but I hate it.

I'd rather them just have evolved over time and developed their own technology.
I have always imagined the Preds to have adopted the technology instead of developing it. Kind of like a backstory.

The Preds, savage in nature, were slaves for hundreds of years to a more technologically advanced race, then they revolted, killed their masters, and kept the technology, which throughout the years, they have learned to use already. Their dead masters also kept other species and that's how the Preds preferred to hunt Aliens or Xenos.

Nothing new, but simple and straight to the point.

Sounds pretty cool. Has there been any EU stuff about how their technology came about. They don't seem the species to have developed it.
I always like to imagine the predators technological advancements to have more to do with their spectrum of vision. It took human beings millions of years to view and harness electricity. An intelligent race that naturally could physically view these occurances in there environment would likely learn to advance them at an accelerated rate. I dunno just a thought. I think the slave revolt idea is pretty cool to.
The slave thing just takes a lot away from them imo.

Damn, look at all of these cool weapons they made..oh, nevermind..they just stole them.
I always like to imagine the predators technological advancements to have more to do with their spectrum of vision. It took human beings millions of years to view and harness electricity. An intelligent race that naturally could physically view these occurances in there environment would likely learn to advance them at an accelerated rate. I dunno just a thought. I think the slave revolt idea is pretty cool to.

I've actually always considered their vision as a handicap if anything. I've wondered how they could possibly have developed technologies when their eyesight is as it is.
Whatever backstory rocks your boat, I could care less.

Until we don't get anything official, anything goes, whatever people imagine for themselves.

Another backstory I imagine is the same slave theme, but the Preds are used mostly for war and battles by their masters, conquering other worlds. The Preds had their world conquered, but their conquerors suffered severe losses and seeing the potential for war, opted to put the Preds in the frontlines. And the Preds gave them hell with sticks and stones before finally submitting. Then the Preds learned to use all that tech they were given and seeing as how many of them died for the greed of their masters, they revolted and you know the rest.
I've actually always considered their vision as a handicap if anything. I've wondered how they could possibly have developed technologies when their eyesight is as it is.

True. They can barely see anything, only heat signatures.
True. They can barely see anything, only heat signatures.

And thats with their biomasks. Without them their vision is just varying shades of red visual noise according to P1. And their hearing is distorted and skewed by a bad case of tinnitus too! :lol
Perhaps their vision began to fade over time, which is why they added the vision modes to their Bio masks..or that's when they created Bio masks..or they already had lower quality hunting vision modes on their bios, then upgraded them and created more for the vision loss issue..

As for the slave thing, I think it'd be better if they had already developed their technology, but it was very primitive to what they have today, THEN they are invaded by some superior alien race and are forced into slavery.. Eventually, some of them revolt and use the superior race's energy source for their weapons/tech, realizing that it's far superior to their previous energy source...etc.