Super Freak
The male Navi are taller than the female Navi, so they clearly aren't all 10ft tall.
but this is Jake we are talking about,.. He is at least 10 feet tall,, based on this, HT got the scale wrong!
The male Navi are taller than the female Navi, so they clearly aren't all 10ft tall.
but this is Jake we are talking about,.. He is at least 10 feet tall,, based on this, HT got the scale wrong!
Haven't run into you for a while on here Anakin. Still trolling I see.
I haven't seen the film in a while, but was Tsu'tey taller than Jake? From what I remember he was, so how tall is he supposed to be? All I'm saying is Cameron has given us a blanket 10ft tall on the Navi, but clearly some are taller than others. So are some even taller than 10ft, or are some of them shorter?
I'm not too bothered if Jake is a bit out of scale, just as long as if they do a Neytiri, she is made to the same scale otherwise it would look wrong.
aaaaaaahhhhhhh, cute, defending his purchase..
sorry if i pointed out some obvious flaws in your toy that made you piss off about it and had to name call,...u can go back now and play with it,...
Jake seems taller, HT got this wrong either way,..if he is 10 feet tall, the figure would need to be 20",...if he is taller than 10 feet then the figure would need to be even taller,...he is bigger than Neytiri so he is at least 10 feet high!
and HT made him way too skinny,...he is thicker than that of fo sho!..
Don't need to defend my purchase. Least of all to a moron.
Due to sexual dimorphism, Male Na'vi are taller than females. Jake also isn't 100% Na'vi so he may be shorter than the male Na'vi. That being said... it doesn't mean he has to be shorter than a regular female Na'vi.
Sounds like somebody just wants to make excuses to not dish out the money for a figure of the year candidate.
i hit a nerve, right?..
sorry that i proved that your beloved figure is out of scale...
Jake is bigger than Neytiri, he is at least 10 feet tall,..which makes him 20" at 1/6 scale,...take a look at the pics i posted before,..or go watch the movie again,..
yeah,....that's exactly the reason!
more like inaccuracy of the year candidate!!
Indigenous adult Na'vi males range from 10-12 foot tall on average, but Jakes' AVATAR is 9' tall according to James Cameron. AVATAR's are smaller and also have 5 fingers and toes. You obviously don't have the figure if you think it's a rubber torso and doesn't look like him. Who am I going to believe, some guy on a forum or Hot Toys and James Cameron? Troll harder...
Here's for u Hot Toys fanboy, the description,... "avatar species - 10 feet"
if the link doesn't work,,,go to creatures,..then select avatar species,...then find yourself wrong!
, that and go back under your little rock and try to stay there for a while,...
so yes,..your blue toy is out of scale,...sorry to disappoint u!!