So i finally got this "custom" Chopper pred i bought for $365 about a month ago. Not only did the seller not respond to me when i asked him 2-3 times when, or if it had been shipped, or respond to the case i opened, but the paint is all scratched up on the head of the Pred, the thing was all scrambled around in the box, there's _____ spilled on the plasma caster. I can probably find some more problems with it if i wanted to, also. It's sad because it just looks so beautiful, the custom spots on the head look bad ass.. If only this person didn't _____k him up

. Oh, and on top all of that.. I'm pretty sure i'll have cancer from all the smoke that came with him..... This is the first time i've ever seen a HT AvP pred in person, and my god they beat all the others.. Just a shame this one is ruined. If i had any painting skills i would deffinately fix him..