Super Freak
I just can't believe i just read that.
DUDE you send me tons of PM's because you really wanted this figure and bla bla bla and they you say that you didn't liked it anyway.
I think it's a total lack of respect to me.
i feel you Seb. i guess that's what his integrity is worth.

anyways, i am very grateful to have one of your wonderful customs in my collection. i may not be vocal in your customs thread, but i am a silent admirer. all i can do is watch in awe, i may only end up repeating what the previous poster said. :]
well, here he is again...
i just came back from work, its freezing and dark. light painting it is, yey.

as what endlessrain said, i mostly display AVP preds with their biomasks on. but i just have a few exceptions...i'm having fun with this predator with the mask off.(it came with an ancient predator biomask btw)